
“Introducing, Her Highness, Princess Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron!” a voice echoes out into the hallway as the doors to the ballroom open and I step through, quickly hearing loud applause as everyone watches me enter the room. A room full of hundreds of Noble demons, all of whom are at least of the Count or Countess rank, making the lowest level individual here outside of the servants and myself being level 1400. And even some of those servants are still above level 1400.

I simply walk through the middle of the grand ballroom full of dozens of tables, each stuffed full of refreshments of all kinds, until I make it to Leonidas, giving him a light nod. Then we both turn to grandpa, who is smiling at me. And if we weren’t in the middle of a ballroom full of his Nobles, I get the feeling he might’ve started crying by now.

Something that would shock every last human on Earth to see.

“My granddaughter has finally made it back to us after all these years!” Grandpa says, his voice somehow making it to every corner of the room despite him not shouting or even raising his voice. “And she’s come with a total of seven legendary skills at the young age of nineteen!!!”

A loud roar fills the ball as everyone breaks out into conversation about it, with most of the demons praising me for my grand achievements. Something Grandpa said needed to happen to convince the very few demons who weren’t happy about me of my skill and worth. And I can already see those who Grandpa had pointed out to me earlier changing their attitude towards me already to, if not respect, at least no longer disliking or scorning me.

I guess it really was a good idea for him to announce that.


At first I was a little skeptical of the idea, but it looks like things are turning out well after all.

“Now, please! Eat and drink till your hearts are content!” Grandpa says, making me almost raise a brow at the change of the usual phrase used on Earth of ‘till your heart’s content’ due to most of the demons here having more than one heart.

Everyone raises their glasses to that before taking a sip and filing out into their own little cliques. Meanwhile I just focus on Leonidas as he asks me, “So how are you liking the ball so far?”

“It just started,” I comment with a single raised brow. But when he just raises a brow in response, I answer, “It would be better if I were wearing armor instead of this stuffy thing.”

I pat my dress over my leg to emphasize my point, giving the clothing a clear scowl.

“Well, you should have your armor by the time the next ball comes around,” he says while waving my complaints off. But I’m too intrigued by the mention of new armor to care as I look directly at him and ask, “So what’s the armor going to be like?”


Before he can say anything, Grandpa chuckles and interjects, “It’ll be the best armor you’ve ever seen. Far better than what you were wearing before coming here.” He then nods his head towards Leonidas and adds, “After all, it’ll be made by your father here.”

My eyes widen as I realize just how useful his blood runes could be in creating armor.

At first I had doubts about them making something as good as my old armor considering they’re stuck with medieval tech, but with that… yeah, their magic far outclasses what humans can do. Not to mention that Tartarus has far superior natural and magical materials to work with than Earth.

“Sooo… what will it be like?” I repeat my question, since he didn’t actually answer.

Grandpa snorts in amusement, his eyes practically dancing as he glances at Leonidas, who just shakes his head in exasperation. But he still answers after a second, “I have to admit that whoever did your armor was a very talented enchanter, so the actual defensive properties of the armor will only see a slight increase from your old armor. But there will be other enchants on the armor in addition to that. Something your other armor didn’t have. Things like spatial storage pockets, a way to enhance it through blood, and a way to repair it through blood.”

I stare at him for a few seconds before asking, “So when can I have it?”

Grandpa turns his head away to hide his smile as Leonidas lets out a sigh.

This time he doesn’t respond.

A pity.

I really want that armor now.

“Oh, and can you please make sure the armor doesn’t expose much skin?” I ask after a few seconds of silence, making Leonidas frown for a moment. And when I’m about to wonder if he had already made it expose too much, he says, “Of course I wouldn’t make it expose too much. Why would I want dogs eyeing you up?”

I blink at that, and at the disgusted expression he’s making. He even seems to shiver at the thought.

“Well, you are his only daughter after all,” Tar comments, sounding amused with the situation.

Huh. Guess that’s technically right.

Didn’t think he’d be an overprotective type.

“Scarlet, all blood lycans are the overprotective type when it comes to their kids,” Tar says, sounding both exasperated and amused.


I glance at Grandpa, just to find him gritting his teeth and glaring at some random corner of the room. And when I look at the corner, I find a man seemingly around the same age as me running away and leaving the ballroom.


Did he just…

“He scared off someone who was eyeing you,” Tar comments. “I’m more surprised he didn’t rip them apart than anything else, to be honest.”

“I didn’t rip them apart because then I’d be ripping apart everyone here,” the Demon King interjects into what was supposed to have been a private conversation since Tar was talking in my mind and not out loud. He then glances at me with a smile and adds, “After all, she’s clearly the most beautiful girl here, and no one can contest that. So it’s only natural. And I can’t go killing off half my court.”

My lips part open and my cheeks turn bright crimson.

“Um, if you’ll excuse me, I’m just gonna go to the outer yard…” I comment, quickly making my escape to the sound of Leonidas chuckling.

When I reach the outer yard just outside of the ballroom, I let out a sigh of relief, finally being out of there. Then I feel a tickling sensation on the back of my neck, bringing my gaze to a dark corner at the edge of the outer court where I find some man seemingly standing guard. Then I turn and find a few others.

“Let me introduce you to your bodyguards, Your Highness,” I hear the head maid suddenly say from behind me, almost making me jump in fright since I somehow didn’t manage to sense her at all.

Wait a second… bodyguards?
