
“What if there was another way to get rid of the curse? Would you then stop your attack on the human world?” the Demon Lord asks, briefly glancing in my direction before focusing again on Grandpa.

My lips part slightly at that.

Grandpa frowns and glances at me, only to look at him again and nod, “If there was another way, I would pursue it.”

The Demon Lord’s lips twitch slightly as he says, “Then now is as good a time as any to tell you, especially since it’s allowed by the prophecy.”

Out of nowhere, Grandpa’s face turns downright terrifying as he looks at his son with the coldest look I’ve ever seen him show thus far. And the Demon Lord flinches at that look. He actually flinches.

“The prophecy the witches foretold soon after Scarlet’s birth,” Grandpa says, his voice just as terrifying as his face. “Yes, I know of it.” My father’s entire expression changes to one of shock. “I learned of it only a little over a month ago. And while saving the entire universe from the threat, clearing the curses, and bringing peace to both the humans and demons is a righteous goal…” his eyes flash with an even brighter crimson light, but with flickers of black in them as the blood domain around us grows turbulent, “your daughter, my granddaughter, was the one to pay the price. For your own choice.”


My mind shorts out at the mention of the prophecy. And the supposed goal of the prophecy.

Saving… the entire universe? Curses? Peace?

“What…” I speak, my voice barely a whisper despite it drawing both of their gazes to me, “…what could abandoning me have anything to do with… saving the universe?”

The Demon Lord’s eyes widen in both fear and distress, but I’m too shaken up to care.

Before I know it, I somehow find myself standing up and held in someone’s arms. After a few seconds of staring straight ahead, I vaguely notice Grandpa standing right next to me and whoever’s holding me, meaning it has to be my biological father.

But I still don’t move.


“I swear I didn’t want to abandon you, sweetie,” I hear the Demon Lord whisper in my ear, his voice filled with emotions I hadn’t realized he could express. “And all your mother wanted when she took you away was to clear our curses and let us live in peace as a family. To save you from having to discover the pain our Curse of Pride can bring.” His hand strokes the back of my head, but I barely notice it as I continue staring forward, my brain trying and failing to process what’s going on. “I love you, Scarlet.”

Everything freezes all at once. I stiffen up, my eyes grow wet, and I somehow feel my own claws, which are now extended without me even realizing it, digging into my own palms. Until Grandpa gently grabs my hands and pulls my claws out of my palms before healing them.

Even that I barely recognize as I begin to truly cry for the first time in a decade.

The Outer Court

Leonidas isn’t sure what to do as he holds his daughter. Not once has he ever been good at expressing or showing his own emotions in any way, and from what he’s seen so far, his daughter is the same way.

What he is sure about is that she’s in shock. That she’s crying. And that she needs someone to help her through this right now.

But am I that someone? I… I knew where she was all those years, but never went to go get her. I just left her abandoned in a fucking orphanage… Do I really deserve that? Or, would she want that?

“In my opinion, no, you don’t deserve that,” Elara says without holding back. “But it doesn’t matter what you want, it’s what she wants that matters.”

And if she would rather have her grandfath-

His thoughts are cut off when he feels his father’s arms wrapping around both him and his daughter, making her pause for a moment in her crying as if registering what had happened. Then she continues to cry, but without making any noise this time. Nothing more than tears.

“No one said it had to be one or the other,” Elara comments, her voice sounding a lot warmer than before.

Leonidas nods as he continues stroking his daughter’s hair lightly.


It takes me nearly ten minutes to calm down, and I’m honestly not even sure what had me so upset. Not even now.

“Maybe everything just hit you at once when your father brought up the prophecy?” Tar asks from his place on my shoulder rubbing his head up against my neck. Something I’m pretty sure those maids from before would skin him alive for doing.

Yeah, that might be it. But I’m not very good with emotions, so…

“Right,” Tar says as I take a deep breath and nod at the two who are still noticeably awkward but seem to be content for some reason. Even if they’re still noticeably worried.

The two give me a moment before I focus on the Demon Lord and ask, “You mentioned a threat to the universe. What is it and how am I supposed to be of any help against something that strong?”

My biological father frowns for a moment, making me realize that he can’t tell me about it. So I state, “To be perfectly clear, I don’t care about the specifics of the prophecy. In fact, I’d rather not know them if I can help it. It would make me overthink things.” This seems to surprise the two, but I don’t leave it at that. “What I want to know are the end goals of the prophecy and why I had to be abandoned for it to work. Like what is the threat that’s coming, how am I supposed to break the curses, and why does it have to be me?”

The Blood Lord clears his surprise rather quickly and says, “Okay. I’ll tell you what I can then.”
