
My first thought upon seeing the man who is my biological father is that I take after White more than him. His face is a bit sharper than my own, his eyes are a bit narrower even if they are the same glowing red as mine, and he’s quite a bit taller than both me and my birth mother. Although my hair clearly takes after him as we have the same shade of black. And while he doesn’t have as much red going through his hair as me for some reason, he still has the occasional highlight that I can see.

In fact, his hair looks rather thick. Just like mine. To the point that the black often covers up a lot of the red as he stares at me with his mouth wide open like a fish.

We both stare at each other for who knows how long as I put my legs out over the edge of the bed. Then I break the stare by looking around at the room beyond the curtain. And the room is extremely luxurious. Even more luxurious than my suite at the university in some ways. Although less in others.

It certainly looks a lot more grand at a glance, but it is lacking in one particular area.

No electronics.

Although there do seem to be some items that should be pure magical items – the term most demons tend to use for items that are imbued with skills or simply enchanted with rune magic – lying around the place. Judging by the mana they give off at least.


I look back at the man when he finally closes his mouth. Only to continue staring.

“Oh by the fae king, stop staring and say something!” Tar loses his patience, and immediately afterwards, I feel myself wrapped up in the man’s arms without being able to move an inch.


I actually don’t feel particularly uncomfortable by his contact, probably because he’s my biological father. After all, I didn’t feel that uncomfortable with White either. Or Aria. But Aria is Aria.

Speaking of-

“Yes, Aria was told by White about what happened,” Tar says, his amused voice sounding in my head as I try to figure out what to do with my arms before eventually just leaving them at my side, unused to hugs in general. And not really feeling close enough to the man to return it even if I don’t try to struggle out of it.


Which in and of itself is a big step up above most other people who try hugging me.

Although, after he continues hugging me without saying a word for like an entire minute, I begin to feel more and more awkward. All the way till I reach up and pat him on the shoulder, saying, “Uh, could you let go?”

And he does so immediately, stepping back and meeting me directly in the eyes.

Eyes that I can’t help but notice once again look just like mine even if they’re a bit narrower. At least, like mine in the whole glowing crimson eyes thing.

Looks pretty cool. Although also a little odd, since I’m not used to looking people with glowing crimson eyes in the eyes.

Wonder if that’s how others feel when looking me in the eyes?

“I’m glad you’re ho- here,” he finally speaks, the man’s voice being deep but not too deep as he stumbles on what I was assuming was gonna be ‘home’ before he changed it to ‘here.’ Which was a good idea.

Because this is not my home.

We both then stare at each other unmoving for a few more seconds before Tar lets out a groan and the Demon Lord’s fae – or at least I’m assuming it’s his – appears in the form of a wolf floating in the air next to him.

And both fae speak at the same time.

“Would you just talk to each other?!” “Stop staring and talk!”

They then glance at each other, nod once, and focus on the two of us again as if we were children being scolded.

I scowl at that thought, and I notice the Demon Lord doing the same.

Then we look at each other with a frown, then a neutral expression.

“Well now we know who Scarlet takes after in terms of personality,” Tar mutters, sounding rather amused.

Until I reach out to swat him, the treacherous tanuki flying out of the way somehow before I can do it.

“Good,” the Demon Lord’s fae says, her voice sounding oddly soft considering her wolf form. “She clearly took more after her mother than poor Leon in terms of looks, so he needed something to compensate.”

I gape at her at the same time as the Demon Lord reaches out with his hand to grab his fae by the scruff of the neck before tossing her straight out the doors to the balcony of the room, which I’m only now noticing are open. She doesn’t exactly fly far though before turning back around and casually floating back inside with what I can only assume is some sort of smug sense of pride as she floats in the air.

“She doesn’t seem to be as fast as him though,” Tar comments as if speaking some sage wisdom. Then he turns to the Demon Lord and bows his head slightly, “Oh great Blood Calamity, your daughter seems to-”

I cut him off by quickly grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and tossing him out the window. Only, unlike the Demon Lord, I use blood sacrifice to rush to the balcony and close the doors so that he can’t get back inside.

Then I wipe my hands clean of the pest and turn back to the Demon Lord to find him smirking in amusement. And I can’t help but notice that I’m doing the same.

Huh. Looks like the tanuki wasn’t useless after all.

A tapping sound of claws on glass comes from the window of the balcony door behind me, but I, as the dignified lady that I am, ignore it to instead walk back up to where the Demon Lord is standing.

Now that the ice was broken as a matter of phrase, even if we haven’t really spoken to each other yet outside of his one statement…

“So mind explaining why I’m here?” I ask with a raised brow.
