
None of us say anything for who knows how long.

Did he… just do that?

“Yes, that he did,” Tar says, his voice echoing in my head.


Allen and Cynthia both collapse onto the ground in exhaustion now that the fighting is over. And I almost join them.

But right when the tentacle above us is about to move back over to the center of the city, a powerful wave of darkness cuts straight into it, seemingly disintegrating the tentacle as it turns to dust. And I only briefly hear Blue pause his battle, just for him to continue without sending any other tentacle over here as my head turns to stare at the stairwell to the roof at the sound of someone applauding.


I immediately turn back to my regular form and begin glaring at the sight of a woman I very much recognize.

“Fredricka,” I state, making both Allen and Cynthia stiffen up before rushing to their feet despite their exhaustion.

The woman simply walks onto the roof while looking around at the various corpses around us, including the pastes created by the tentacle out of the demons. Then she eventually looks up at us as she stops several meters in front of us.

“Hello again, Scarlet,” she says with a smile. “It’s been a while.”

I tensely answer while glancing in the direction of the city’s center, “That it has.” But it doesn’t look like Blue is going to help again.

White did mention that he would only help once. And he said the favor was repaid.


Damnit, why couldn’t she have come out earlier?!

Wait, it’s possible that she could only be Class III. Although I doubt it considering that she’s walking out here as carefree as she is. Because even if Allen and Cynthia are injured, they should easily be able to deal with a Class III changeling.

Not to mention that she just eliminated Blue’s tentacle.

Speaking of their injuries, fortunately none of them seem to be major. In fact, I’m pretty sure that was their point. They weren’t going to do any major harm. They just seemed to be trying to wear us down till they could take me away without actually injuring any of us.

I focus my attention solely on the woman who is still in her human form. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t get any sort of read on how strong she is.

“Young Scarlet, it would behoove you to surrender peacefully so that I can take you to your father,” she says while standing in front of me, still talking rather politely if a little sternly.

“And why would she do that?” Allen grunts while pulling out a potion that has my eyes going wide in shock. Because it’s not a regular potion. No, a regular potion wouldn’t work on a Class IV Guardian. This potion is a high grade potion which should’ve cost over ten million credits at least to get!

Fredricka’s gaze focuses on Allen as she glances at the potion, only for her to quirk a single brow and state, “You’ll regret it if you drink that.”

Allen, of course, drinks it right after she says that, taking it as a sign that she’ll attack.

And while she doesn’t exactly attack… she instead does something much, much worse.

Fredricka sighs and suddenly her body begins to let out strange cracking sounds before growing. And growing. And growing. All the way until she reaches nearly three meters in height, with a form similar to the other changelings yet much larger. Her wings sprout out from her back, her tail along with it, and claws ripping out her fingernails as her magi-tech armor adjusts to fit her new form.

And then her mana bursts out, making my eyes widen in shock.

Class V.

She’s Class V.

A Class V fucking changeling.

“How?” I hear Cynthia ask, sounding shocked. And Allen isn’t much better.

“How, you ask?” Fredricka’s voice – if that’s even her name – echoes around the roof as the snow starts to pick up a little bit. “It was easy enough to hide the higher Class changelings when you have the power of a councilwoman. The power of your own government.”

I… I can’t argue there.

She then focuses her attention on me while flinging her hand at Allen and Cynthia, making some sort of binding made out of pure darkness wrap around the two before strapping them to the side of the stairwell as she says, “Now please, Scarlet. Come with me.”

Did she just say… please? A demon trying to kidnap me, a Class V one no less, just said please?

Actually, come to think of it…

“Why are you demons all being so polite to me?” I finally break and ask out loud, hoping to get an answer. And her eyes immediately widen in surprise at that, only for a light smile to touch her lips as I continue, “I noticed it was the same with the general and the other changelings. All of them were absolutely polite even if we were fighting. And none of them are referring to me directly in any way aside from you.”

It’s almost as if they’re avoiding referring to me by anything for some reason. I can tell just by how awkward they’re being.

“What are you hiding from me?” I ask, changing the question.

Silence fills the roof for several seconds, during which I glance at Allen and Cynthia to find the two no longer struggling and instead waiting for her response as well.

My gaze is brought back to Fredricka when she starts speaking again, “Your father gave us explicit orders not to reveal your status to you until you have been confined and it is certain you will be heading to Tartarus through the Class V Fracture.” Then she shrugs. “And to keep it from the humans.”

There it is again. The mention of me going through the Fracture.

But is that even possible?

“Yes, it is,” Tar suddenly answers me. “Anyone with demon genes can enter Tartarus through a Fracture. Although a part demon like you can only enter them through touching the core of a Fracture of your Class or higher with a demon alongside you.”


The Noble changeling looks around for a second before focusing on me and saying, “And now seems like that time.” She then kneels down, making my eyes widen in shock, and begins to say, “I, Countess Fredricka von Rosenfort, hereby greet-”

And she’s cut off when she’s sent flying across the rooftop, destroying the roof a little and falling off of the building by a shadow that appears next to her. Then, not even a few seconds later, Black – or a clone of Black considering that not only is he supposed to be on the front lines, but his mana level is much lower than before – turns towards me and gives me a salute while saying, “Hello little puppy! How’s it been?”
