
I can’t help but frown a little when both Allen and Cynthia walk into the Class II Fracture after me for some reason, the two having shown up practically out of nowhere.

Why are they here? Could they know about what White said?

“Don’t worry about us, dear,” Allen says with a light smile, “we won’t steal your prey.”

I almost snort at that in amusement. Instead the corner of my lips quirk upwards a bit and I turn around to head towards the demons in this Fracture. All while explosions ring out from all over the city. Especially from the area of the Class V Fracture.

If I had to guess, Allen and Cynthia were probably already told about the danger to me of being taken to Tartarus during this Demonic Assault when they spoke with White before. One of the things they couldn’t tell me about no doubt.

Rather annoying, but understandable at least.


I shift both of my arms before grinning, only for the emergency lights to suddenly start flickering. Then they turn off completely, meaning the emergency power is off.

“Shit,” I mutter, the grin being wiped off my face in an instant.

But that’s not all as my terminal suddenly buzzes, making me bring it up to find a message from Sage.

[Warning. All emergency power in the entire city has been cut off. Each and every electricity generator in the city has been interrupted due to a Class V demon with a type of electricity based magic. A bounty of one billion credits from the government has been sent out to each and every Guardian for that demon’s head.]

My eyes widen in shock at the news.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.


“This is bad,” Allen mutters, bringing my attention to him to find him looking at his terminal where a map of the city is displayed along with what I’m assuming are a chart of all of the Fractures, along with the Class V. “It looks like there is a blood lycan amongst the demons, and this blood lycan is a Marchioness.”

Wait, seriously?!

From what I’ve learned in the Demon Noble Society class, a Baron or Baroness is a Noble demon between levels one thousand to one thousand two hundred, a Viscount or Viscountess is a Noble demon between levels one thousand two hundred and one thousand four hundred, a Count or Countess is a Noble demon between levels one thousand four hundred and one thousand six hundred, and a Marquess or Marchioness is a demon between levels one thousand six hundred and one thousand seven hundred, with Dukes and Duchesses being anything above that, and the Demon Lords simply being the four strongest demons aside from the Demon King.

But one issue is that demons of any kind, especially the noble demon clans, are all stronger than humans of the same level. So a blood lycan in the mid sixteen hundreds is as strong as a human in the early to mid seventeen hundreds. And if they have a high rarity Predator, then even stronger.

It means that the Marchioness should be able to keep up with one of the Knights, even if she won’t likely win. Which means the Class V Fracture will stall for longer, especially due to the regeneration of blood lycans.

Allen turns to Cynthia and asks, “Do you think we could sneak her out of the city now that the power is out?”

I blink at that, surprised that he’d mention it. But it does seem like a liable option. After all, the government will believe me to still be in the city.

Although plenty of things could go wrong. We’d still need to figure out a way past the city’s barrier for example.

Also, are you still here Tar? You’ve been really quiet for a while now.

A few seconds pass before he answers, sounding tired, “I’m sorry. I… broke some rules telling you even just that bit before the Fracture was over. So I had to face punishment.”

The hell? All you told me was-

“Don’t worry, the punishment wasn’t very harsh as the infraction was minor this time,” Tar says, cutting me off.

I narrow my eyes at the air in front of me, only to suddenly feel that annoying sensation that someone’s watching me. And when I turn towards Allen, I find that he seems to have noticed it too.

But he’s too late as the barrier around the building suddenly shatters and everything then turns purple around us, then it grows dark making it impossible to see for a moment even with my night vision, and finally we find ourselves in a completely different building. And I begin vomiting out my lunch in the process, only for Allen to pick me up in his arms and begin running, making me instead vomit on his feet.

“Spatial magic user,” Allen answers any question I would have before I can even ask it. “It looks like they’ve teleported us a few dozen blocks in closer to the center of the city!”

Oh shit. That’s not good.

Both Allen and Cynthia try running out of the empty building we find ourselves in to no avail as the world turns purple again and we’re once again teleported, making me hurl what I’m assuming was the rest of the dinner that I ate earlier.

“I apologize, but this must be done,” I hear a strange and disturbing voice echo in my ear, but I don’t see anyone or anything. “The spatial sickness will pass as your body grows used to teleportation.”

I look around, but no matter how hard I look or try to hear or smell, I can’t find a single hint of their location.

“Can you hear it?” I ask Allen after noticing that neither he nor Cynthia are reacting, only for him to grimace and shake his head.

“It looks like you really are their target,” Allen states before looking at his terminal map, something that’s only running because the terminals don’t run on electricity but instead run on mana, just like all magi-tech armor. “We’re getting closer and closer to the center of the city.” He looks up and around while sending a silver liquid out of his hands. “We need to stop this before we get too close to the blood lycan.”

From a glance at his map, it looks like we will reach the center of the city in another four or so teleports. Which isn’t good.

Wait a second, if I’m the target, why is it teleporting all three of us?

I look around as the purple returns before understanding.

It can only teleport an area of people. Meaning it’s not targeting me but is instead targeting the area around me. Which includes both Allen and Cynthia whether it wants them or not.

Guess there’s a silver lining in that.

This time Allen’s magic clashes with the purple enclosing around us along with Cynthia’s, starting to stall it.

Then a large humanoid creature with wormlike skin and a lamprey-like mouth appears in the air and scowls at the two as it says in that same tone of voice despite its mouth not moving with it, “If you know what’s good for you, leave her with me and run, or stop interfering. You are not to be harmed by order of His Majesty.”

My eyes widen at both that and the System message I get regarding the demon’s identity.

|Demon General – Subspecies: Cosmic Lampyrid – Level 1000|

This thing is the leader of a Class IV Fracture?! Where the heck is its Fracture then?!?
