
“Have a nice summer! It was wonderful having you in my class, Scarlet,” my Demon Biology professor – a Guardian whose title is the Professor – says with a smile as I hand in my final exam paper. I give him a light smile and a nod in return before walking out of the class, leaving the couple dozen other students to their exams.

And that was my last final for the year.

“Have you decided yet?” Tar asks, appearing above me before floating down and landing on top of my head, lightly bumping up against my ears in the process. But since I have my hearing drastically down right now to only let me hear the stuff happening in the buildings around me, it doesn’t bother me anywhere near as much.

I’m really glad I can reduce the sensitivity of my ears this way. Makes it so Belle can’t mess with me by poking them.

And I’m still thinking, but I’ll probably end up having to stay in the city.

Not long after the change in the university’s schedule was released a week ago, the government released a warning for all civilians to evacuate within the next week and a half. But alongside that, they made an official request to every Guardian stationed in an Association of the capital city to assist in protecting the capital.


Those who help are generously rewarded, and those who don’t won’t find themselves getting any help from the government in the next decade.

A rather bold threat, but an understandable one considering that losing to the Class V Fracture will be a drastic blow to the Republic. It will mean another Gate opening up in the capital no less.

I personally don’t care much about their threat. But what I do care about is that all my friends and family are staying behind in the capital. Belle, Arthur, the rest of the team, and everyone from the Silver Association are all staying behind to help.

So there really isn’t much choice. Especially since the others outside of Arthur, Belle, Cynthia, and Allen don’t know that I have an actual reason to avoid the capital then.

It’s… a rather annoying situation.

It doesn’t help that the government specifically contacts the more well known and higher profile Guardians during times like these. After all, having a very famous Guardian sit out of the most important Demonic Assault of the generation is not exactly a good look. Neither for me, nor the government that can’t control or even persuade me.


“It doesn’t look like you have much choice…” Tar says, sounding slightly resigned to our fate.

Yeah. Unfortunately.

But at least I should be able to stay away from the Class V Fracture since White told me the exact location it should be opening up in. Just means that I have to stay on the opposite side of the city from there.

“In that case, you should be safe from a blood lycan as long as they aren’t specifically looking for you,” Tar says as I continue walking through the street towards the top class students residency. “And the other Class Vs shouldn't be able to find you at all even if they were looking for you assuming they’re not a perception based demon.”

That’s good to hear.

I just have to stay far away from the Fracture’s core, and it should be fine.

And I can find quite a bit to hunt during the Fracture, so that’s a plus as well.

Fortunately the Guardians University campus is on the edge of the city, while the Class V Fracture is predicted to open somewhere around the tower at the center of the city. So I should be able to just help with the Fractures over here and be fine.

I almost scoff at the idea of being ‘fine’ considering the one who’s been manipulating the demons in my Fractures. Although they actually haven’t done that much recently.

Maybe they’re involved with the preparation for the Class V Fracture that should be going down about right now in Tartarus? At least, according to the stuff about Tartarus that I’ve learned in my classes it sounds like a reasonable explanation for the lack of bizarre things happening in my Fractures.

I look up at the heavy snow falling down on the city. Something that’ll make for a rather annoying Class V Fracture for those who can actually feel the cold.

Doesn’t help that it’s dark out right now despite only being three in the afternoon. An annoying side effect of the Class V Fracture affecting the world and a sign that it’ll be happening soon.

My terminal suddenly begins to buzz, making me look down to find a call from Belle. So I accept the call as I continue walking through the snow, one arm in my pocket and the other held in front of me for the video.

“Hey, Scarlet! I knew you’d already have finished!” she says, the girl for some odd reason wearing a dress on the other side of the screen. And when she notices me looking, she grins and does a little spin, whatever terminal she’s using obviously not being attached to her arm as she exclaims, “How do I look?”

“You look great, but what’s the occasion?” I ask, my confusion easily shown on both my face and in my voice.

Belle rolls her eyes at that and says, “The ball, you doofus!” And when I just blink at her, unsure of what she’s talking about, she continues, “The ball meant to celebrate the first years and those graduating this year! It’s gonna be held on Sunday, and I wanted to try out some dresses for it!”

I stare at the screen for a few seconds, trying rather hard to figure out what the heck she’s talking about.

The girl frowns, her excitement dying a little when she asks, “You seriously don’t know about it?” Then she blinks and sends me an exasperated look as she says, “We got an email about this just a week ago…”

My staring lasts for another few seconds before my eyes widen and I mutter, “Oh. That.”

She rolls her eyes with a scoff and says, “You really forgot about it? That’s…” she pauses as she blinks, her face clearing up slightly, “actually, that’s very much like you.”

I raise a brow at that and shrug, “So I don’t like balls, dances, or anything formal. Sue me.”

“Look, could you please attend? It’s a really important event for most people, the rest of the team and I included…” she asks, sounding genuinely hopeful. Not the usual playful request or just her wanting to see me at a ball or something, but her actually wanting me to attend. “You don’t even have to attend in anything formal! Just your magi-tech armor will do according to the dress code!”

That has me frowning for a moment, only for a light smile to touch my face as I eventually nod, “Sure. I guess I’ll come.”

It’s just a ball, and I don’t even have to dance or do anything. And maybe they might have something similar to the juice Ava has.
