
“Where in the ever loving stars did you get the idea that charging a demon over one hundred levels above you was a good fucking idea?!” Allen shouts from the other side of the terminal as Ava quietly makes her way out of her office. “Not only was it the most reckless thing you’ve ever done, but you didn’t even have to do it! Why the fucking hell did you try that?!”

I patiently wait until I hear Ava having left our room before I gently ask, “White?” Following which a white barrier appears around us, cutting us off from anything. “Appreciated.”

Knew she was still around somewhere. I kept feeling that annoying sensation that someone was watching me all the way back to the moment I woke up.

Not to mention that Tar said she hadn’t left my side once while I was out.

Anyways, I look up at Allen now that it’s safe to talk before briefly explaining to him what Tar told me about my demonic instinct. And that alone cools down a lot of his anger.

Although I get the feeling he’s not any less stressed now. In fact, he might just be more anxious and worried now than before.


“So you’re saying it might happen again, and there’s nothing you can do about it?” he eventually asks, a tired yet still slightly hopeful look on his face that I’ll say no.

Hmm. Okay. Yeah, I can see the downside there.

Tar snorts at my thoughts.

“Yeah,” I answer Allen, unfortunately crushing the hope that I saw in his eyes.

Out of nowhere, a clone of his appears out of the terminal screen made out of nanomachines before he walks up to me and hugs me out of nowhere, pulling my face to his chest as I let out a short “Uh…” out of surprise.

“Just… just for a moment,” Allen says, so I decide to let him.


A minute or so passes in silence before he finally lets go. And I can’t help but notice that I didn’t feel as uncomfortable as I would’ve used to during that.

Probably because of Aria.

Although it could also have something to do with me considering Allen family now, but I’d say it’s probably the first.

A moment passes as Allen looks at me before he says, “I’ll tell Cynthia what you told me, and White told us that you’re done with your internship now. So you can either head back tomorrow or today. Whichever works for you.”

I nod at that with a smile before turning around and starting to make my way towards the hall, only pausing once to wave at him and call back, “Thanks! See you later!”

Now I can go ahead and shop for skills!

As soon as I make it back to my room, I open my Skills Store except this time only having it show any new legendary skills I might have. Just to not tempt me into buying anything else when I should spend my SP on leveling my skills. Only to find a very nice surprise in there. And a very… strange… surprise along with it.

Skill Name:

Achievement Requirements:



SP Price:

Blood of Ruin

Unlocked by being Class II or above, by using a skill in a way unexplained by the System to create a much larger attack, by having used blood magic to kill over one thousand beings within half a year, by killing a demon one hundred or more levels above you without any assistance, by killing a being of Class III while you yourself are Class II without any assistance, and by being the child of REDACTED ON INDIVIDUAL’S REQUEST.

This skill unleashes the power of blood to bring ruin to the designated location.




Bloody Thorns

Unlocked by killing a Class III being while at Class II through allowing it to mutilate yourself in return for taking damage itself without any assistance, by being Class II or above, by using a skill in a way unexplained by the System to create a much larger attack, by having used blood magic to kill over one thousand beings within half a year, by killing a demon one hundred or more levels above you without any assistance, by having blood magic, and by- by- by- ERROR.

User does not have null magic.

Searching for alternatives… alternative found.

And by having null magic etched skills.

This skill deals a set amount of damage to any individual who causes damage to the holder of the skill no matter who it is regardless of their defense in the form of blood nullification.



