Izak and Morty discussed who to take.

Morty's knowledge of necromancy helped.

Skeletons were fairly immune to arrows.

The difficulty hitting small targets in the darkness plus that immunity made them skip the ranger and arcane archer.

One cleric was talked into going who went by the name BandaidBob.

Bob made sure they understood his skills were all support abilities, "I can heal, remove fear, do first aid, and buff your armor.

Just don't look for me for DPS or any of the holy light stuff.” Izak actually approved of Bob's choice.


A fire mage was essential - they needed some area of effect spells to take out numerous small creatures.

Falkian Brightblaze was a bit of an asshole, but no one accused him of using too little fire.

He eagerly volunteered.

He was still looking for revenge on the town butcher, but wasn't suicidal.

He'd take his anger out on bunnies instead.

Izak grabbed four fighters from his group.


All of them had decent armor and either a mace or hammer as a weapon skill.

He added Mung the Merciless, Ronan the Abuser, DeathbyBruising, and BossThud to his group.

As they walked the short distance to the bunny meadow where Morty had smelled the scent of necromancy, Izak went over the plan.

"No heroes! we do this job as a group.

If you get separated, there's a chance you’ll get swarmed and nibbled to death by undead rabbits.

We will laugh at you for a month and make you buy the beer if that happens.

You've been warned.

If the bunnies swarm, we form a circle and just beat them down.

Watch each other's flanks.

Morty is in the center along with Falkian.

The mages are artillery; we're the castle walls." After standing in the middle of the meadow for a few minutes Morty said, "I smell them, coming slowly from all around us.

Get ready." Morty hadn't told anyone the whole truth.

This was a special night for necromancy.

The moon was coming up full and bright orange, rising into the sky like the Great Pumpkin.

All necromancy spells were 20% more effective.

And Morty had a ancient scroll that his group had found in a looted tomb.

It could only be cast tonight, and only by a necromancer.

He was saving it and hoping it was going to be worth casting.They could see the bunnies’ eyes now.

Little red points of light, spread out in a huge circle all around them.

"Toast them now? I've got fireballs online and ready to cast," Falkian was looking forward to this.

It was nice to be appreciated, and he really liked blasting creatures with fire.

"Not yet.

Let’s form our circle, let them group up and come to us.

You'll only get a few right now.

If they bunch up, you'll take out dozens with each spell."Ronan pointed and said, "What the fuck is that? A pumpkin?"A hundred feet away in the darkness they could see an illuminated pumpkin carved with glowing eyes.

"Jack o' Lantern, don't you know your Halloween? Hey, look! More of them." Seven of the jack o' lanterns were now lit.

As they watched, one seemed to move towards them.

It sailed slowly over the meadow staying about four feet above the ground.Morty squinted at it, "That's not a spell.

Maybe a cantrip? Low level bullshit to scare us."BossThud stepped out as the carved pumpkin slowly got nearer.

It had a lit candle on it's top.

"Bye-bye, Jack! This was the part of Halloween I always loved - Smashing Pumpkins!"BossThud hit the pumpkin and it made a smushing noise and bathed him in orange bits and some sticky liquid.

The candle tumbled to the ground.

With a loud 'fwumph', BossThud and a large area of grass was enveloped in fire.Everyone stepped back.

Thud was screaming.

More jack o' lanterns were on the way towards them.

Ming yelled at BossThud, "Take it like a man, dammit.

Death to pumpkins! Smash the rest and take them with you!" Thud thought this was a great idea and sprinted towards the other floating bombs as his health dropped.

He killed three more and the rest caught fire and exploded when they got to the flames.

BossThud went down, but he took all the hellish things with him."Why didn't you tell him to stop/drop/roll? I could have healed him back up!" BandaidBob had been starting a healing spell when BossThud charged out of range.

Ming tried to look guilty and failed.

"Oops, sorry.

Not used to having a healer.

We sort of play balls-to-the-walls and see who can have the best death in dungeons.

BossThud is a sure thing for this month."The bunny horde started to charge towards them.

"Tighten it up, get ready.

Start blasting Falkian." The fire mage tossed out a fireball, but it only hit a few of the skeletons.

They were moving faster than he expected and he overshot.

As he started to cast his next spell he heard someone say "Oh shit..."Falkian never saw the tree trunk sail through the air at their group, but he certainly felt it.

It knocked him down, along with Mung and Bob.

Falkian screamed as the undead horde rolled over them.

You have taken 205 damage from a large piece of wood that was launched into the air.

Health 20/225Remember how you were going to spend some CSP on more health? Maybe next time.You have taken 5 points of damage from a skeletal bunny.You have taken 5 points of damage from a skeletal bunny.You have taken 5 points of damage from a skeletal bunny.You have taken 5 points of damage from a skeletal bunny.You have taken...oops, my bad.

You have died.
