The pile of smoking debris formerly known as the barn wasn't done burning, but everyone was anxious to see if they could clear down to the loot chest. They had all got the notifications of the Daemon's death, so they weren't too worried about it still being a threat. Still, they were cautious as they started pulling half burnt logs from the pile.

Logs went to one side and got buckets of water thrown over them. The charcoal and still glowing coals were shoveled into large piles and covered with dirt under the watchful eye of Jorges. A blacksmith couldn't have too much charcoal. The superheated chunks of wood burned quick in the open air once exposed, but would burn down to charcoal if covered up and no air allowed inside the pile.Surprisingly, they found whole sedge beast carcasses in the pile. They had expected that the meat would be burnt to cinders, but while the outer layer was a crispy black, the insides were simply well cooked and actually quite juicy. Ozzy found this out as he wrestled out a carcass and hauled it to the side. The outer layer cracked open and bubbling fat ran across his gloves and arms burning him and leaving huge blisters. His gloves were soaked in the hot liquid but had protected his hands somewhat. But his arms from the elbow to the wrist hurt like hell.At the same time, a wonderful odor leaked out of the carcass that had many people coming to investigate.

You have been burnt! While not lethal, such burns are quite painful and can lead to further injury. You have taken 20 points of damage, reduced to 19 points of damage because of your resistance.You gained 1 experience in Fire ResistanceYou gained 1 experience in CON.
