Overall, the passage is understandable, but there are some minor grammatical errors and redundancies that could be improved for clarity and fluency. Here is the proofread version:

"DIE!" Sam shouted as he propelled himself towards the Fire Wolf using his mana.

His spear penetrated the D Rank monster's body, his attack amplified by the use of aura.

As Sam turned to observe the fallen wolf, he noticed another, severely wounded but still alive, lunging for his leg with its jaws wide open.

"Watch out," Damian shouted. But Venessa, being closer to Sam, acted quickly, slashing off the wolf's head with her sword.

"Oh, thanks," Sam said, looking back to see Venessa had saved him from a potentially serious injury.


"Don't lose focus," Venessa warned him, turning towards Alyssa, who had already defeated four wolves single-handedly using her Ice Magic.

She hadn't needed to utilize her Gravity Magic for anything other than levitation.

'My grading will drop because of this mistake,' Sam thought, turning his attention back to the situation. He had made a mistake intentionally, wanting to avoid the spotlight of the Rankers.

Sam didn't want to draw Jack's attention if he somehow managed to make it into the Rankers.

Everyone knew that the Mid Terms contributed heavily to the rankings, second only to the End Year Exam, which was always a duel.

"Wait, what did you fight?" Amelia asked Asher, noticing the spots of blue blood on his armor.


"You'll see them ahead. Let's go," Asher replied.

All of them followed Asher and soon came across several Crystal Leers.

"Crystal Leers?" Amelia murmured, shocked. Seeing the three slain monsters, everyone turned to look at Asher, except Alyssa, who knew that Asher had defeated even stronger monsters before.

'Did she not know?' Alyssa looked at Amelia's expression, puzzled. She had assumed that as his sister, Amelia would have known about Asher's bloodline ability that allowed him to face a C+ Rank Monster. But she was unaware that it was actually Asher's Time Dilation skill, not his Bloodline ability, that had aided him.

Asher stored the monster's remains in his spatial ring, not wanting to leave any trace of Rifir.

"Be careful from here," Asher warned, sensing an abundance of Rune Traps ahead.

"Follow my steps," he instructed, his emotionless gaze fixed forward. They were navigating through the Dungeon, which had begun to widen, but they maintained a straight line to avoid all the rune traps.

Kevin's team, however, got caught in a few traps but managed to escape, thanks to Eva's barrier.

Only Asher had such a high level of mana sense that he was able to dodge all the traps."How is he avoiding all the traps?" The Third Professor wondered aloud.

"Some of them are hidden so perfectly that even I can't detect them," he admitted.

This wasn't how they had planned the test to unfold. They wanted to assess the teams' teamwork and their response to unexpected situations.

"Why aren't we encountering any monsters?" Amelia wondered aloud.

"Perhaps we're on the right path," Damian replied.

The maze-type Dungeon had many paths, and right now, Asher was leading them down the most difficult but shortest path. His reason was simple: he didn't want to waste too much time-fighting ordinary monsters.

Suddenly, an explosion echoed throughout the Dungeon, causing them all to stop in their tracks.

"Did a monster trigger a trap?" Damian speculated.

Asher extended his mana sense but didn't detect any monster near the triggered trap.

'Are they increasing the difficulty for us?' he wondered.

"Let's see how you react to this," The Fourth Professor mused, triggering a trap deliberately. The noise attracted nearby monsters.

"We're about to face a horde of monsters," Asher informed the group, drawing his sword.

A group of monsters were racing towards the noise, leaving them with no option but to fight.

"We need to pick up the pace," Asher stated, flaring his mana. Noticing this, the others did the same.

"I'm ready," Damian stepped up to stand just behind Asher, with Sam standing behind him near the mages.

"Should I use my spells?" Amelia inquired.

"Not on me. Use them on these three," Asher instructed, "And keep using illumination spells." He then propelled forward using his mana.

After a minute of running, they arrived at a fork in the path. They could all feel the vibrations through the walls.

"How many monsters could cause such vibrations?" Damian wondered aloud, making everyone a bit nervous.

'Are they testing our resolve to fight?' Asher considered. He could tell that there weren't enough monsters to cause such vibrations. Instead, it was the work of the runes producing spells that mimicked that effect.

"Get ready to fight," Asher instructed, focusing his aura on the edge of his sword.

They heard a chorus of monstrous roars in the distance.

The anticipation of not knowing what kind of monster they were about to face made them a bit nervous, but they were ready for it. Each of them prepared to attack the moment they saw the monsters.

"What kind of beast is that?" Sam asked, confused at the sight of several four-legged beasts with three tails and three eyes charging toward them. Behind the beasts, four massive monsters followed.

"Are these Clawsen Monsters?" Amelia guessed, looking at the three tails and eyes, a characteristic of two types of monsters known to live together. The Clawsen were the large monsters behind the beasts, which were called Sensips.

"Aim for the knees of the big ones. The beasts are vulnerable to fire spells," Amelia shouted, relaying their weaknesses.

Sam heard her and glanced at Damian, who had coated his shield with aura.

"I'll take the lead," Asher said, confusing Damian. With a technique called 'Mir Steps,' he dashed toward the group of Clawsen monsters.

Seeing Asher, two massive Clawsen conjured claws made of earth elements on their hands.

'Swift Strike,' Asher thought, creating another platform in the air with Shadow Control and dashing towards the nearest Clawsen monster.

"Is he really a First Year?" The Third Professor wondered, watching Asher.

The monster tried to smash Asher with its hand but was too slow.

[ Host has gained 200 Exp ]

Asher's sword cut through the Clawsen monster, the brown-skinned creature slumping to the ground as its head rolled to the side.

"Spiral Lance," Alyssa chanted, using her Ice Element Spell. Multiple spikes of ice emerged from the ground, impaling the monster's chest from all sides.

The monster shrieked in pain.

But the Sensips all around them were still a significant problem. Even though Asher was dealing with the Clawsen monsters, the Sensips themselves were challenging to handle. Their three eyes improved their vision and field of view.

"Grant Strength..." Amelia started chanting as Sam and Damian felt a surge in their power.

A Sensip lunged at Sam while Damian managed to halt three of them with his shield.

"These beasts are so creepy," Sam said, looking around at the three-eyed beasts staring at him. Due to the dim light, they couldn't ascertain the exact number of dark grey-skinned Sensips.

"Move!" Venessa shouted, slashing the neck of the Sensip in front of Sam.

"I'll stay in the middle," Sam decided, leaving Venessa near Damian to fight off the Sensips.

Alyssa noticed they were getting overwhelmed by the Sensips, so instead of killing the next Clawsen, she targeted a group of Sensips, closing in on Amelia.

"Should we begin the third part for them as well?" The Third Professor suggested.

"Let's do that after they've taken care of most of the monsters," Elsa intervened. They were ramping up the difficulty for Asher's team quite significantly.

"By the way, the first team has already moved past the second part," Elsa said.

At that moment, Kevin's team was nearing the center of the Dungeon much quicker.

"But unlike them, they're not taking the fastest route," Arman pointed out.

Only Asher's team was on the shortest route to the center, while Kevin and his team were still figuring their way through.
