Aboard a destroyer of the United Fleet of the Japanese Navy, Admiral Yamamoto Fifty-Six stared blankly at the smoky sea. The warships of the island navy that were hit were burning and sinking slowly.

   None of the 21 aircraft carriers of the United Fleet survived, and all of them have been sunk. The eight capital ships also did not escape. Even the four most powerful "Yamato-class" battleships could not avoid the fate of being sunk after suffering a large number of bombs and aviation torpedoes.

   "It's over, the empire is completely over this time!" General Yamamoto Fifty-Six wanted to cry but had no tears.

   "Your Excellency, what should we do now? The German attack was too sharp, and all our main battleships were sunk in two rounds of attack." Major General Yano Shika said with a mournful face.

  The first round of attacks by the German navy severely damaged the island navy, and most of the aircraft carriers were sunk. Subsequently, the second round of attacks by the German Navy began again. This directly ruined the remaining aircraft carriers and capital ships of the combined fleet of the island nation's navy.

  Although, the anti-aircraft firepower of the navy of the island country also shot down more than 200 carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. However, for the German Navy, which has 1,500 carrier-based aircraft, the loss of 200 carrier-based aircraft is nothing at all.

   "What else can we do? The combined fleet is finished, and the empire will be finished too!" General Yamamoto Fifty-Six said and returned to the cabin that originally belonged to the captain.


  After locking the hatch, General Yamamoto Fifty-Six knelt on the ground and wiped the samurai sword he carried with him with silk.

   "Long live His Majesty the Emperor! Long live the Empire!"

   General Yamamoto Fifty-Six shouted, and then inserted the samurai sword into his stomach.

  Blood gushed out of his mouth, and soon there was no sound.

   After Major General Yano Shika heard the sound, he asked the guards to forcefully open the hatch from the outside, and what he saw was the body of General Yamamoto Fifty-six who was still warm.

   "Your Excellency, Commander!" Major General Yano Shikasan exclaimed.


  The news of General Yamamoto's fifty-six harakiri himself quickly spread throughout the entire United Fleet. As a result, a large number of generals of the island nation's navy followed the example of General Yamamoto and committed seppuku. For a time, there were very few remaining generals of the United Fleet.

  In this battle, the joint fleet of the island nation's navy was completely defeated. There are only twenty or thirty light cruisers and destroyers left in the huge fleet. The rest of the warships were all sunk under the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group.

  The damage caused by the joint fleet of the island nation's navy to the German navy was very limited, and only a few warships were damaged. In addition, it caused more than 300 losses to the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft. More than two hundred of them were shot down by the anti-aircraft fire of the combined fleet. Another hundred or so were shot down in air battles.

  It can be said that compared with the loss of the United Fleet, the loss of the German Navy is minimal. The seemingly powerful United Fleet was easily destroyed under the attack of the German Navy.

  The joint fleet assembled most of the main force of the island nation's navy. After the combined fleet was destroyed, there were no warships left in the navy of the island nation. It can be said that the mainland of the island country has opened its arms to Germany. As long as Germany wants to, it can launch an attack on the mainland of the island country at any time.

"Your Excellency the Marshal, the islanders are finished. Their aircraft carriers, battleships and heavy cruisers have all been killed by us. At the same time, we have also killed a large number of light cruisers and destroyers of the islanders. Some of the remaining light cruisers and destroyers are fleeing in all directions. String. Do we need a third round of attacks to kill them all?" Lieutenant General George Friedberg asked for instructions.

Marshal Rolf Kars thought for a while, but still shook his head: "The battlefield is getting closer and closer to the Philippine Islands, and the island country army still has an air force there. Our pilots are also very tired. Let’s cancel the attack for now.”

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal." Lieutenant General George Friedberg nodded.

  The carrier-based aircraft pilots of the navy of the island country are already very tired after performing combat missions. This is especially true for those carrier-based fighter pilots. Each of them has executed at least two fights. They are the battle to intercept the carrier-based aircraft group of the navy of the island country and the battle to cover the dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft of the own side to attack the combined fleet. If the attack continues, the pilots will not be able to hold on. Even though the war is coming to an end soon, these pilots are still the treasures of the German Empire!

   "The Nanyang Combat Command reported that we have eliminated the main force of the island country's navy. We can launch an attack on the island country's mainland at any time. Next, it depends on the army." Marshal Rolf Karls said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal." Lieutenant General George Friedberg replied.

   After the joint fleet is resolved, the island navy is considered finished. Next, the main task of the German Navy is to assist the army to defeat the island nation.

  The news of the disastrous defeat of the United Fleet and the near-annihilation of the entire army was also sent back to the Ministry of the Navy of the island country as soon as possible.

  Navy Minister Admiral Shimoda Shigetaro has also been waiting for news from the front line. He knew very well that the gap between the United Fleet and the German Navy was huge, and it would be very difficult for the United Fleet to win. Therefore, he has been praying for a miracle.

   "Your Excellency, a telegram from the United Fleet." A rear admiral reported to Admiral Shigetaro Shimada.

   "Did we win?" Admiral Shimoda Shigetaro asked impatiently.

   Major General shook his head.

   General Shigetaro Shimada's face suddenly became very ugly.

  When Admiral Shimoda Shigetaro took the telegram and read it carefully, his face became paler and paler.

   "Biga! How could this be? How could the combined fleet be defeated by the Germans so easily? And the whole army was wiped out?" Admiral Shimoda Shigetaro seemed unable to accept such a result.

   But the major general told him that this was the result that had been confirmed repeatedly.

  Suddenly, General Shigetaro Shimada fell down on the sofa as if all the bones in his body had been pulled out. It was as if his entire belief had been destroyed at this moment.

  The Prime Minister's Office of the island country also soon learned of the fiasco of the United Fleet.

   Prime Minister Hideki Tojo was completely stunned, and he did not expect such a result. Originally, he thought that no matter how bad the United Fleet was, it would be able to fight the German Navy to a loss-lose situation. However, in the end it was a disastrous defeat for the combined fleet. Prime Minister Hideki Tojo also knew that this time the island nation might not be able to prevent the German army from attacking their homeland.
