Chapter 200

"Elder Sir," said Du Xiao Hui, "I do not know of any conventions or rules. As a citizen of Daling, I only recognize the laws of Daling. As the saying goes, 'Nothing is forbidden unless explicitly prohibited.' How Yangming Academy recruits students and tutors, and who serves as the Mountain Chief, these are all our own affairs, and need not trouble the elder over there."

"Simply preposterous!" Jiang Mountain Chief angrily rebuked at the top of his voice, "A woman who brazenly makes a scene, how atrocious! Without a shred of literary knowledge, unable to recognize even a basketful of characters, what qualifications have you to serve as Mountain Chief?"

"That is my business," Du Xiao Hui's face darkened as she replied, "Furthermore, my Yangming Academy has hired several talented and well-learned gentlemen of high moral repute to teach classes, among them two are even honored as Imperial Tutors. I dare ask, elder sir, how do your literary talents compare?"


Jiang Mountain Chief was instantly rendered speechless.

How could a mountain chief of a county academy possibly compare with imperial tutors?


Even if his literary knowledge could match theirs, his fame and status would still be vastly inferior!

"Very well, it is evident that I cannot reason with you," said Jiang Mountain Chief, "so let the prestigious families of Yizhou City speak some justice."

Du Xiao Hui had won the first skirmish, but she did not feel relieved in the slightest. Rather, she felt even more nervous.

For Auntie Li had said that scholar-officials' thinking was quite simple and easy to handle.

It was these wealthy businessmen who were truly difficult to deal with.

Since they controlled so much wealth and practically dominated all industries in Yizhou City, if they united against Yangming Academy, the academy probably could not even buy oil, sauce, vinegar, rice and vegetables within the city afterwards.


As Jiang Mountain Chief spoke, over a dozen wealthy businessmen walked over with grim expressions.

An elder with white hair and beard, accompanied by two young maidservants, stood at the very front.

He was a famed figure of Yizhou City named Yang Chang, possessed the greatest wealth and highest status among all merchants and prestigious clans, with thriving businesses mainly in tea leaves and medicinal herbs.

"Ahem, with everyone's high regards, I have been nominated to serve as mediator today. So let me say a few words," he remarked politely before approaching Du Xiao Hui. His wrinkled face carried an ambiguous smile, "I have long heard that the Mountain Chief of Yangming Academy is an extraordinary talent among women. Seeing you today, it is true that the reputation does not disappoint." "Elder exaggerates too much."

"However," Yang Chang continued, "As a resident of Yizhou City, I have humbly earned the favor of past magistrates, and have some reputation in this city. Naturally I ought to speak some justice for Yizhou City. Mountain Chief Du, your academy is commendable, but the tutoring fees are too low, wouldn't you agree there is some harm to others' livelihoods? As businessmen, I advise Mountain Chief Du to reconsider carefully before proceeding. I am not saying you should match other academies, but the fees also should not be too low."

"These are the rules set by my academy," Du Xiao Hui replied evenly, "As for harming others' livelihoods, I believe elder worries too much. Among the tens and hundreds of thousands of students in Yizhou Prefecture, I have merely admitted three hundred. How can that be considered damaging others' livelihoods?"

With one retort, she had silenced Yang Chang.

What Yang Chang was more worried about was that in future examinations, his family's scions would encounter even fiercer competition from these students, causing them to fail the civil service examinations.

Of course, he could not utter this openly.

"Mountain Chief Du," seeing the soft approach had failed, Yang Chang prepared to turn hard, "do you know what the consequences would be if we collectively worked together?"

"I am all ears."

"The result would be, Yangming Academy would not be able to purchase a single grain of rice or drop of oil in Yizhou City," said Yang Chang, "Furthermore, filth and stench would permeate right outside the academy gates every day. Let me ask, under such circumstances, how could the students concentrate on studying?"

Du Xiao Hui nearly laughed out loud.

Auntie Li was indeed correct. Compared to scholar-officials, these businessmen were truly harder to handle.

Unlike the former, the latter thought nothing of integrity or dignity and conducted themselves unscrupulously.

Yet they could also mobilize many others to act under them, taking the fall when exposed, leaving ordinary people rather helpless against them.

Fortunately Yangming Academy was no ordinary academy.

If not for Auntie Li's ingenious schemes, she would have flipped her lid on the spot at the elder, challenging him to use everything in his power while proclaiming Yangming Academy did not fear him.

"Elder, academies are places of purity and serenity. I request that you mind your speech."

"Ha... indeed, academies are places of purity and serenity," Yang Chang laughed, "but unfortunately I am no scholar!"

"Young lady," Yang Chang paused before discarding his sardonic facade and speaking gravely, "I shall offer you one final word of advice. Do not think about opposing the entirety of Yizhou City. Otherwise... even with Madam Li's support, you would still not remain here."

The threat had become completely barefaced.

An ordinary person would likely have retreated at this point for self-preservation.

Yet Du Xiao Hui suddenly smiled vibrantly, "Then why don't you say that to Madam Li's face?"

Yang Chang knew Li Yao would definitely show up today, but he remained utterly fearless. As a lawful businessman, there was nothing to dread so long as no evidence of illegal activities could be pinned on him. Even if the prefect or prince arrived, some concession would have to be given to them businessmen to save face.

Li Yao had watched the situation unfold silently from within.

Among today's visitors, this Yang Chang seemed to command everyone's deference. If he could be subdued, the rest would likely disperse as frightened birds and beasts.

It would be easy as pie for Liu Yun to bring down a mere businessman. Just find an excuse to ruin him for life.

But she did not approve of such underhanded methods.

The importance of businessmen was self-evident. For a long period, Yizhou's entire economy would still rely on them.

So she would make an example out of one to deter the rest.

Consider it a small gift from her to the newly appointed Song Prefect and Prince of Yizhou.

Thus she stepped out from the building.

Unusually, she had worn an official uniform today with finely done up hair and valuable ornaments.

Gone was her normally brash and bold stride, replaced with a graceful gait brimming with dignity, yet between her brow there still shone an indescribable heroic spirit.

Many had heard of the arrival in Yizhou City of Madam Li from Baichuan County but never had the fortune to catch a glimpse until today. Everyone simultaneously marveled inwardly upon the sight.

Indeed, Madam Li was as striking as rumors told.

Li Yao arrived before the crowd. Yang Chang arrogantly held up his neck in refusal to bow as befitting his age, and the rest followed suit in feigned oblivion at her presence.

"Elders and everyone," Du Xiao Hui announced, "before you stands the Rank 7 Madam appointed by His Majesty—Madam Li."

Seeing the group maintain its deafening indifference, Du Xiao Hui continued, "What is this, do you find the rank 7 position too lowly to warrant your notice or greetings?"

These words instantly soured everyone's mood.

They were men in their prime, scholars of poetry with bellies full of wisdom, tycoons with tens of thousands in their pockets!

Yet now they had to bow down to a woman; it was truly damaging to their dignity!

But failure to greet would be taken as great disrespect, for which Madam Li had the authority to penalize.

The mountain chiefs could still get by since they held office. But most businessmen were commoners who by etiquette had to kneel and perform the grand obeisance.

To bow or not to bow? What a quandary!
