The Beast carrying Christina and Rolan arrived at the Winter Palace. The manservant inside the great doors of the palace quickly spurred out into the hallway where the Members of the Imperial Family of Ruthenia Empire were waiting.

"So he has arrived huh?" Alexander mused as he beckoned his family to walk with him to meet Rolan at the door.

", do I really have to be here with all of you? I'm in the middle of my dissertation and I have to complete it before the second week of March," Tiffania whined to her brother.

"Me to brother!" Anastasia chimed in. "I'm also in the middle of my studies. I know welcoming the Chief of Staff of the Imperial Guards has its significance but it is something that I can do after my studies."

"Both of you stop complaining," Alexander said sternly as he glanced at them. "This is an important occasion, it only takes thirty minutes of your time. After we had dinner with him, you can go do whatever it is you want to do," he told Tiffania and Anastasia.

Tiffania sighed heavily; she knew that arguing would be useless so she gave in and allowed herself to be dragged towards the entrance doors by her brother.

"I'm excited to see Sir Rolan, papa," Anya, whose hands are being pulled by Sophie, joined the conversation.


"That's good to hear, dear," Alexander smiled adoringly at his daughter and moved his eyes up to look at Sophie.

Sophie returned a smile, indicating that she is fine with welcoming Rolan to their palace's doorsteps.

As soon as they arrived in front of the door, Alexander could hear the muffled noise of the engine from outside. It soon turned into footsteps and a creaking sound of the door.

The way the door was opened was slow as if making it a dramatic sequence for those standing behind the intricate door. And once it was fully opened, Alexander chuckled softly.

It was Rolan, being escorted by the Imperial Guards and Christina.

"Your Majesty...Your Imperial Highness?" Rolan dumbfoundedly greeted the emperor, empress, and grand duchesses. "I can't really tell if I'm dreaming or not. The exalted family of the Ruthenia Empire made such an effort to the likes of me."


"Rolan, please don't downgrade yourself. There's nothing 'likes of me' here in the Ruthenia Empire as I see everyone before me as equals. Setting that aside, it's good to have you back. You will have a lot of catching up to do."

Alexander was the first one to step forward and shook his hand. For an emperor to shake the hand of a person is not limited to the ranks of a person anymore. It is a matter of who is deserving to shake his hand.

"I will, Your Majesty. It's good to be back indeed."

After Alexander, Anastasia and Tiffania was the next to welcome Rolan.

"It's good to see you again, Rolan," Tiffania said simply before continuing. "I and my sisters are aware that we are partly responsible for your leave. And on behalf of my sisters, I would like to assure you that we don't blame you for the incident. It was the Yamatos and our carelessness..."

"I would say the same thing to you, Sir Rolan," Anastasia added. "You don't have to feel guilty anymore."

"Your Imperial Highness Anastasia...Tiffania..." Rolan trailed off. He doesn't know what to say to them after hearing that.

Seeing that he won't give a response, Anastasia and Tiffania walked back, giving the stage to Anya and Sophie.action

"Welcome back, Sir Rolan!" Anya cheerfully said. "Nice to see you again!"

"Likewise, Your Imperial Highness," Rolan returned a smile before shifting his gaze to Sophia. His face then softened when he saw her belly.

"So the news of Her Majesty bearing a child is indeed true. Congratulations. I can't wait to see the baby," Rolan smiled warmly."Thank you, Sir Rolan, Welcome back to the Winter Palace," Sophia replied. "I hope that your break has freshened your mind. Oh, we have prepared a banquet for your return. You must be feeling hungry after the long trip."

"I'm looking forward to having lunch with all of you," Rolan bowed his head at them.

Seeing that everyone had made their welcome, Alexander gave out an order. "Okay everyone, you may now proceed to the dining hall–"

As Rolan was about to take a step forward towards the dining hall, Alexander continued. "Except you Rolan, I wish to talk to you in private, if that's okay."

Rolan hesitantly pointed a finger at himself. "Is it urgent, Your Majesty?"

Alexander nodded his head in confirmation. "We will follow after my brief discussion with Rolan."

All members of the Imperial Family except Alexander went to the dining hall. As soon as everyone had made their way to the dining hall, he beckoned Rolan to follow him upstairs.

Rolan followed him while thinking about what would be the topic of their conversation. Was it his failed attempt at his sister? No, it was already addressed. Is it related to national security? Possibly.

He continued following Alexander until they reached a room. A state parlor to be exact.

Closing the door behind him, Rolan stared at the back figure of the emperor. "Your Majesty, I think it's safe for us to hold a conversation now."

"You're right," Alexander slowly turned around and faced him. "Why are you so tense?"

"Do I look like one, Your Majesty?" Rolan chuckled nervously. "It must be because I have no idea about what we are going to discuss."

"Hmm," Alexander Hummed. "Well, I'm going to make this brief. You arrived just in time when I would need you the most. Starting from this day onward, we will be making a lot of diplomatic trips as the Hanese Civil War is ending soon."

"I heard about the situation in the Han Dynasty, Your Majesty. The abdication of the empress and the abolition of the monarchy. Two major factions are fighting over supremacy. What side are we supporting?"

"It's the Nationalist Party," Alexander replied. "Their faction drove out the communist party of the capital and is establishing a foothold there. It's only a matter of time before the communist party collapses. And once it happens, we will be heading to Prague to discuss terms with the Nationalist Party. Of course, this is just the start, we will be also visiting the Anatolia Empire for business and diplomatic talks and the Britannia Empire for the crown ceremony of Her Royal Highness, Diana Rosemary Edinburgh. All of this would happen after winter, which is the end of the month. I hope that you are mentally and physically prepared for such events. The Black Hands are still out there."

"Your Majesty, I assure you that I will protect you with my life. It is my noble duty after all."

"Good, then there's nothing for me to worry about," Alexander clapped his hand. "Okay let's go and join them."
