Choson Empire, Hanseong.

Upon its liberation, the Ruthenian Empire was now at liberty to build military installations in the peninsula under the mutual defense treaty both Ruthenian Empire and the Choson Empire signed,

The airbase flocked with recruits from across the lands of the Ruthenian Empire as well as the Choson Empire. They can be seen marching along the side of the runway where a plethora of cargo aircraft and helicopters fly overhead.

A convoy of Polkan Jeeps raced down the dusty road, kicking up dust behind it. The airbase was still under construction yet the engineers working in the airbase said that it would be completed in the next month.

For now, only certain aircraft of the Ruthenian Empire is allowed to use the airfield as they are the only planes capable of landing in such runways.

The Polkan Jeeps stopped in front of one of the hangars of the Hanseong Airfield. Major Makarov, a member of the special forces of the Ruthenian Empire, looked out of the window to see the aircraft that will get them to Beijing.

To his surprise, the aircraft was not inside the hangar; instead, it was already outside with its cargo bay ramps opened. It seemed as though they were just waiting for them.


Ten soldiers belonging to the Special Forces of the Ruthenian Empire stepped outside the Polkan Jeeps and made a beeline to the tail of the Bogatyr.

A male in his thirties wearing a leather uniform and dark sunglasses is standing by the ramp of the Bogatyr, greeting them with a smile and a salute.

"Major Makarov, I've been waiting for your team's arrival. Everything you need including new equipment and weapons is ready in the cargo hold for your teams to use. Good luck Major,"

Makarov saluted back at the man before beckoning his team to follow him into the belly of the Bogatyr. Inside, a pallet of crates containing various rifles and machine guns is piled high.

Makarov stopped in front of the pallets and observed the equipment briefly. One object that attracted his attention is a vest-like armor. It was a bulletproof vest capable of protecting the user from low-caliber rounds. It can also hold five FN Fal magazines as well as hand grenades. The second one is a binocular-looking tool affixed on a helmet. Instead of having two scopes, it had four, which made him wonder why.

Curious, he grabbed the helmet and placed it over his head. He peered through the scope and all he saw was green. He looked around and felt a straining sensation invading his eyes the moment the source of light was in his direct line of sight.He removed the helmet and read the papers describing its uses.


"Oh, so this thing allows us to see at night? And its name is night vision goggles?" he commented, his eyes drifting to an opened weapon's crate. Inside it was an assortment of guns they have never encountered before.

The last thing that came to his attention was a flashlight. He picked it up and realized it wasn't a flashlight due to the other end not being a typical lens that one often sees in a flashlight.

"I wonder what this is...'' he inspected every detail of the tube and there he saw a small button. He pressed the button and in anticipation, a beam of concentrated light shot out at the other end of the tube.

However, it didn't look impressive. The reason? Makarov didn't see the light coming out of the tube. Maybe wearing the new helmet and firing the tube again would make a difference—

He pressed the button again with his thumb and there he saw it! A concentrated beam of light. He grabbed the file explaining what that is and there he learned that it was a laser! New technology was invented by the Imperial Dynamic Systems to help soldiers aim their rifles at night.

Makarov is beginning to see its contribution to the battlefield. If Ruthenian soldiers were to wear a helmet fitted with night-vision goggles and infrared lasers, they could communicate and coordinate their aim, which would increase the effectiveness and the lethality of their shots.

As he put everything back in its original position he heard someone clear his throat. Makarov turned around to meet the gaze of one of his men who saluted in front of him.

"Sir, everyone is on board!" he informed him.

"Good, we'll discuss the new toys the high command gave us for this mission. For now, take a seat as we will be taking off shortly."

"Yes sir!" Makarov watched as his team members took their seats on the side of the cargo bay of the Bogatyr. Seeing that everyone had taken their seat, Makarov walked towards one of the seats and fastened the seatbelt.

With the strap secure, the pilot and the co-pilot in the cockpit began manipulating the plane's controls to make it go toward the runway for the preparation of take-off.

As the Bogatyr began its ascent, the ten soldiers braced as the rattling sounds caused by the winds and shaking of the airplane filled their ears. With each passing minute, the plane gained height and soon it passed the clouds.

As if the storm just passed by, the aircraft calmed down after reaching an altitude of ten thousand feet.

"Okay, we will arrive in Beijing in one and a half hours. I want you all to gear up and meet at the table located at the middle point of the plane," Makarov shouted in unison as they unfastened their seatbelts.

One by one, they unpacked a plastic crate filled with a new combat uniform designed solely for the Special Forces. They wore their combat uniform and bulletproof vest. Some played with their new toys while others inspected their new gear.

On the other hand, Makarov was silently observing them. It's good that they are having fun but something is troubling him. The new uniforms and equipment they've been told to use, they are not trained to use yet. Despite knowing the fact, they still placed their trust in them and used them as test subjects for the preparation of adopting new standard-issue equipment.

Of course, the Ruthenian high command knew the capabilities of his men. After all, they have successfully fulfilled their mission of training the Righteous Army in the Choson Empire. What's more, they are facing military-trained personnel. Compared to this where they'll be facing peasants whose hands are only good at planting rice seeds and reaping wheat.

Makarov stood and prepared himself as well and once everyone was geared up, he called them up.

"Okay everyone, gather around here."

His men congregated around the table with a map splayed across its surface. It was the map of the International Legation Quarter.

Makarov began his briefing. "In one hour and fifteen minutes, we will arrive at Beijing Airspace. Just like we did in Choson we are going to jump from ten thousand feet down to the International Legation Quarter. Our mission is to help the military guards of the great powers until Black Stork from the Aircraft Carrier Petropavlovsk arrives to get the Ruthenian Ambassador and his staff, and the civilians who wished to leave, out. According to our intel, the Boxers are heavily-armed with mortars, artillery pieces, bolt-action rifles, and technicals. But the one who is wielding are peasants who haven't seen real combat so it'll be humiliating if one of you get shot by them."

The soldiers broke out into laughter upon hearing that.

"However, even if they are peasants, their weapons can still kill, so be careful. This is going to be a walk in the park compared to our last mission in the Choson Empire and what's more, we will be receiving air support. Does anyone have questions?"

There was no answer, indicating that everything was made clear.

"Very well. Huzzah comrades!"

