The conclusion of the meeting didn't go well on the Ruthenian side as they found themselves cornered like a rat.

"That cunning bastard," Mikhail cursed under his breath as he walked down the hallway. His mind showed the image of Sir Claude who just forced them to make a decision by calling in the military to lend aid to the International Legation Quarter.

He went straight to his office and found Denise on the phone.

"Have you contacted them?"

"Yes, Your Excellency. The Foreign Minister of the Ruthenia Empire, Sergei, is waiting for you."

"Good, give me that."

Denise handed the telephone to Mikhail who breathed a sigh of relief. Looks like the Boxers didn't cut off phone lines yet but who knows if they are already working on that?


So he's got to be quick to inform his government about the recent development.

"Sir Sergei, this is Ambassador of the Ruthenian Empire to the Han Dynasty, Mikhail. I have a call to deliver you the news about the meeting that was held earlier between the eleven states. The vote was ten to one, all of them wanted to stay in the International Legation and fend off the Boxers."

There was no voice that came out of the other end of the line. Maybe Sergei was stunned at the news or the Boxers already cut their phone lines. He was hoping it was the latter.

"I see, that's quite troubling. The situation there keeps happening unexpectedly. We are hoping for those states to ask us for assistance in evacuating their citizens but it turns out they don't need it."

Claude was right about the intention of the International Legation. He had read through them like a book.



"They still need our help, Sir Sergei. They are requesting military aid from our government."

"Really?" Sergei asked, surprised.

"Yes, Sir Sergei. They wish to defend the International Legation Quarter until help from their military arrives. They seem to know about the capability of our military and hence asked me if I could request it."

"This is not going to be easy, I'll have to consult with the Emperor. We have decided to evacuate you and the staff out of there."

"Well, things have changed, Sir Sergei. If we leave here, then we will be branded as cowards who flee the International Legation Quarter where our fellow powers fought. It will not look good to His Majesty and I am hoping you could consider my suggestion of…" Mikhail gulped a mouthful of saliva before continuing. "Giving us military aid from the Imperial Ruthenian Air Force. You know our situation very well, there's no way we can resist the force of the Boxers with our guards, not to mention, they are heavily armed."

"I understand, I will inform His Majesty. Sadly, he just left and headed back to the Winter Palace as we speak. I'll get back to you as soon as he arrives at his office. Don't worry, we are watching the situation over the sky. There is a surveillance plane flying over Beijing as we speak."Mikhail reflexively looked up at the ceiling, imagining a plane flying through the clouds. A wave of relief washed over him. It's good to have someone watching over you.

"Thank you, I will wait for your call. I hope that the Boxers won't cut off our communication—"

Suddenly, the line breaks.

"Hello? Hello?" Mikhail called into the air as silence filled his ears.

There was no response. It was like Sergei hung up the telephone while he was speaking.

His eyes widened upon realizing what he was fearing the most. The Boxers, could they perhaps have cut the communication lines? If that's the case then there's no way for him to contact his government.

"Shit!" he slammed the table in front of him, producing a loud thud. He rubbed his hands down his face as his heart began to sink.

"Your Excellency, is something the matter?" Denise said in a worried tone. She just heard a thump inside his office and wondered if something had happened to him.

"The Boxers, they had done it. They had cut off our communication lines."

"No way…"

"But it's alright, I have already said what needs to be said, help is coming, hopefully."


Five minutes later, Alexander arrived at his office. In his lap sat a beautiful girl Anya who just sat there simply because she missed sitting in his lap.

Due to the demand of his work, Alexander's time for his family is decreasing, affecting their relationship to that from intimate to distant, something that he doesn't want to happen.

So Alexander enjoyed her company as he too missed their bonding together.

"Anya, since there are only three months left before your birthday, is there something that you want me to get for you?"

"Papa, it's still three months away, why rush?" Anya looked up at him."I'm excited," Alexander answered her question simply. "You like gifts right but you'll like it even better if it's something you really want."

Anya hummed in thought. "Okay, if you want to know it, papa, then what I like for my birthday is we go out together with mama and aunties to the beach!" she said, raising her both hands up in the air.

"Beach…huh?" Alexander bit his lower lip. He didn't expect her birthday gift to be them going to the beach. He expected something more luxurious and elegant like a dress or a ring, a necklace, and the like. But, the beach sounds good too.

"Well, that is doable. Very well, looks like papa needs to buy a swimsuit.

"Also!" Anya added.

"There's more?" Alexander tilted his head to the side.

"Papa, if it's okay, please spend your time with us while we are on the beach and no work."

"Anya…" Alexander sighed, it's something that his work doesn't have the luxury of because anytime, things might happen which require his attention.

"If it's okay, papa. I didn't say no work at all."

Alexander is feeling guilty after hearing the melancholic tone escape from her mouth. But if it makes her happy, then he would do it. If an emergency situation were to erupt in the middle of their vacation, then he'll just give executive orders or instructions to his advisers and ministers and have them deal with it.

"Okay fine, darling. I promise."

Anya's dispirited face brightened at his answer.

While Alexander was stroking her glossy golden hair, the telephone on his desk rang abruptly.

"This is the emperor, I'm in the middle of something, keep it brief."

"Ah...yes, Your Majesty, this is Sergei. I just got a call from Mikhail. He is imploring another option and that is to stay in the International Legation Quarter with the rest of the great powers."

Alexander closed his eyes as if he was wincing in pain. "What?"

"Yes Your Majesty, they are requesting military assistance. However, you should discuss this first with your National Security Advisor as there are a lot of variables at play here."action

"Okay fine," Alexander hung up the telephone.

"Who's that?" Anya asked.

"," Alexander answered.
