After the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, the Minuteman struck the bridge on the Jurna Bridge, the Boxers, who witnessed such a destructive power before them, were stunned and agape.

The bridge that they can use to cross the river and lessen their time to get to the International Legation Quarters was now destroyed.

Among the groups, some were beginning to feel apprehensive to approach the International Legation Quarter out of fear of the unknown.

As some of the groups were about to part ways and rout, the commander leading the battalion of Boxers raised his pistol up and fired it.

"You! Don't even think of getting away!"

"This is madness sir!" one of the men protested. "The heavens might be punishing us!"

"You stupid peasants, if the heavens want us destroyed then we wouldn't be standing here to have this talk! Keep yourselves together! We have to expel those evil foreigners that are plaguing our land and destroying our country!"


At his vehement roar, the Boxers who were having mixed feelings about continuing their march towards the International Legation Quarter, are starting to regain their spirits as their ultimate cause dawned on them.

They must expel the foreigners and restore the once glorious nation. They are aware of what would happen if they let foreigners have their way in their country.

There's no need to look far, as the Yamato Empire has already demonstrated it to the Choson Empire, a country that was recently liberated by the Ruthenian Empire. But liberation doesn't mean they are free of the reigns. The Boxers believed the Choson Empire was under Ruthenian control diplomatically and bureaucratically in exchange for their independence.

If they don't do something, their nation would be splintered with each faction under the control of the colonizers. And once that happens, their identity, their culture, and tradition will be destroyed.action

They cannot allow that to happen!

"Listen brothers! This is all or nothing. We have to send a message to the world that our country would not be a slave but a respected power! Don't forget the sacrifices of our ancestors and their glorious victory through a series of conquests! We were once a feared nation and the west was once primitive compared to ours. Victory is not impossible, it is within our reach!"The leader yelled triumphantly as he pointed his fingers to the location of the International Legation Quarter.


He continued. "Brothers! Think about our people under the rule of the evil western powers. They took our sons and fathers away and forced them to work in the mines. Our mothers and sisters were taken away from our homes to mistreat them. Lastly, our children are robbed of their future. Do you want that to happen to your family?"

"No!" the Boxers yelled, their broken spirit was rising up again.

"So we won't be stopped by this meteor. If the heavens obliterated our path to liberation and unification, then we just have to make our own way! We will show the evil foreigners our determination to kick them out of our lands and that's where we'll gain our freedom, free of oppression and tyranny."

"Let's go forward my brethren. If our government or our empress can't achieve it for the people, then we will be the ones to do it! Follow me as we sacrifice ourselves for the future of our country and the next generation!

Concluding his speech, the Boxers roared and raised their guns up in the air, cheering as their heart was filled with a sense of nationalism and patriotism.

The Boxers began to move forward. In spite of their losses on small-scale engagement from opposing factions, in spite of all the hardships they had been through; it didn't matter. They were determined to carry on. To fight back and reclaim what belongs to them.

Meanwhile, ten thousand feet from above, a surveillance aircraft of the Imperial Ruthenian Air Force based on the Boeing RC-135 flew overhead.

The sun has already set, making it hard for any person to spot a plane in the sky.

Their task is to observe the movement of the Boxers that are about to siege the International Legation Quarter and report their findings to the Central Command.

"Shit looks like our delivery package didn't deter those Boxers," one of the officers in the surveillance aircraft muttered under his breath. "Sir! We are seeing a change in movements from the lines of the Boxers. It looks like they are looking for another way to get to the International Legation Quarter."

"Copy that, relay it back to the Central Command. The missile that we fired will delay their arrival as expected."

"Acknowledge, relaying it back to the Central Command, in three…two…one!"


St. Petersburg, Ruthenia Empire. General Staff Building.

Alexander stepped inside the elevator promptly as the two metal doors slid to the side. He was about to return to the Winter Palace to take his afternoon nap after overseeing the operation of the Prompt Global Strike.

If he were to speak about it honestly, he was thrilled that the missile worked as intended. It was worth it and enough to convince the Imperial Council to ask for additional funding for the acquisition of new batches.

As the door began to close, there was a person running in the hallway with his hands forward, as if reaching to them.

"Wait! Your Majesty!"

The Imperial Guards inside the elevator placed their hands on the elevator door, stopping it from closing.

"That was fast," Alexander uttered. "What's the hold up?"

He asked the staff who stopped in front of him and panted as he tried to catch his breath.

"Your Majesty, you are needed in the Command Ops at once!"

Without hesitation, Alexander stepped out of the elevator and headed towards the Command Ops again.

Upon his arrival, Defense Minister, Alexei, approached him.

"Your Majesty, please look at the screen. What you are seeing here are the movements of the Boxers. It seemed as though the missile didn't affect them at all."

"It sure is surprising. Although our goal is to destroy the bridge and deter them from moving forward, they still have the spirit after witnessing the unknown. Looks like the siege of the International Legation Quarter is going to happen. Where are the special forces?"

"They are now prepping up in our airbase in Hanseong. The Bogatyr Cargo Aircraft will take them to just above the International Legation Quarter and jump from there."

"Good and have our strike packages ready to give air support for the militias in the International Legation Quarter. Speaking of which, have any other nations attempted contact?"

Alexander's gaze flickered from the screen to Sergei.

"None so far Your Majesty."

"Well wait for it. There's no way those western powers will abandon their people in the International Legation Quarter. They'll soon ask us for our help to extract their citizens out of there and that we can use it to improve everyone's perception towards the Ruthenia Empire."
