The Imperial Council of the Ruthenia Empire was supposed to have a session about immigration issues happening in the Manchuria region. It was the main agenda and was scheduled for a session in the second week of January. However, an atrocious incident sparked at the border of Manchuria where a revolutionary militia known as the Boxers indiscriminately and deliberately fired upon Hanese citizens trying to cross the border. This prompted an emergency session where the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, Alexander Romanoff, cut off his trip and went back to St. Petersburg to attend the session.

The Ruthenian Government responded with a fire of its own to protect the Ruthenian citizens behind the gate of the border, as well as to stop the massacre happening before it. It killed all the militias armed with armored vehicles and technicals.

However, such a military response fortuitously dragged the Ruthenian Empire into a civil war larger than the United States Civil War. As such, the Ruthenia Empire was in a pickle to select which sides they were going to support.

They decided to support the Kuomintang, a Nationalist Faction who is at war with the Communist Party, Boxers, and the Royalist Faction.

The government of the Ruthenian Empire is now in dialogue with the Kuomintang, drawing up terms in exchange for the help they are going to receive.

Meanwhile, while all that is happening, Ruthenia still has an internal issue that needs to be solved.

The referendum of the Grand Duchy of Finland about its declaration of independence.


Three hours earlier, after Vladimir Lenin's proposal of helping a Nationalist Party, the Chairman of the Imperial Council struck his gavel to conclude one of the agendas.

"We are now moving on the referendum submitted by the Grand Duchy of Finland. May I now call the attention of Sir Anders Wirenius, member of the Imperial Council representing the Grand Duchy of Finland?""Thank you, Your Honor," Anders stood from his seat and glanced at his fellow senators who were present in the session. "If I may begin, the people of Finland feel deeply that they cannot fulfill their national and international duty without complete sovereignty. The century-old desire for freedom awaits fulfillment now! Finland's people have taken a step forward as a free nation among the other nations in the world. To support such a declaration, we held a referendum in which we allowed the Finnish citizens to vote on whether or not they supported the land they are living in for most of their lives to have independence. I already submitted the copy of the result of the vote, please take a look at it."

The document was prepared beforehand, and the Members of the Imperial Council opened the document and perused the content.

"As you can see, eight percent of the people seek independence and 20 percent wish to remain part of the Ruthenia Empire. For the last 150 sessions that were concluded in the Imperial Council, I call for the Members of the Imperial Council to heed our request for a vote on whether the Finland people should be able to rule themselves."

The members of the Imperial Council chatted with one another. Murmurs erupted in the hall and Alexander observed them.

He sighed inwardly and pondered for a brief moment. Grand Duchy of Finland, that state has been asking him for independence after he repealed the ruthenification that forces other states to assimilate non-Ruthenians, whether involuntarily or voluntarily to give up their culture and language in favor of the Ruthenian culture and the Ruthenian language. Although he had stepped up and fixed the relationship of the Ruthenian Empire with the state, they still insisted on asking the government of the Ruthenian Empire to give them independence.


Naturally, Alexander refused to grant such a request as it could be catastrophic and destructive for the internal affairs of the Ruthenian Empire.

Well, even with that said, he'd still want to hear what the others have to say about this issue.

"You held a referendum without our knowledge?" Vladimir Lenin spoke in front of his microphone. His sudden interjection earned him the attention of everyone.

"There's no need for such a thing," Anders responded, placing his hand on his chest as he continued. "The Grand Duchy of Finland has been running itself independently while still remaining subservient to His Majesty and to the Imperial Council. We are the ones running our domestic affairs and as such give us the power to hold a referendum without the Imperial Council's permission."

"That may be the case but, we can't say for sure that the result written on this document is true, heck it might even be rigged."

"Are you insinuating that the Government of Finland spoke and told lies in the presence of His Majesty and the Imperial Council?"

"It's a worthwhile assumption. Nevertheless, we can't tell for sure that this statistics report is telling the truth. So to make it appear fair for the Government of Finland and the Imperial Council, I call for my fellow members of the Imperial Council to nullify and void the document in exchange we permit them to hold another referendum. If the results are still the same without government intervention, well, we might even consider their call for independence."

"I do not approve of it," another one joined the discussion. The attention shifted from Lenin to him.

"State your name." the Chairman of the Imperial Council ordered.

"My name is Georgy Lvov, Your Honor and allow me to reiterate my stance, I do not approve of granting the Grand Duchy of Finland a state of full sovereignty."

"Georgy…you!" Anders glared daggers at him but Georgy was unfazed by it.

"The Ruthenian Empire is a multi-ethnic and multilingual nation, which means the Empire is made of many states conquered through military conquest. Should we grant independence to Finland, then imagine Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Estonians, Latvians, and many others calling for independence as well? What do you think will happen? The glorious empire our predecessor built and made even better by our current emperor, His Majesty, Alexander Romanoff, will collapse. For a moment, please look at his Majesty," he asked.

Everyone looked at Alexander and he suddenly felt uneasy by their gazes.

"His Majesty has been working tirelessly to keep our empire running and it paid off! We are now the second global power next to Britannia. No, the global leading power. We are now in a top position and you Finns dare to waste his Majesty's efforts to go to waste? How presumptuous can you be?" he raised his voice, and silence settled in the hall.

Anders gritted his teeth. "We'll settle at Lenin's suggestion."

"In that case, we will proceed to vote. Is there anyone who has something to say in the Council?" Ludmil asked. No one raised their hands.

"In that case, let's proceed to vote, same rules, say yes to those who agree to permit the Grand Duchy of Finland to hold another referendum with monitoring says nay to those who don't."

Fifteen minutes later, after all the votes had been cast, the Chairman spoke.

"There are 60 yaes and 40 nays, the Government of Finland will be allowed to hold another referendum, and the council is dismissed."
