Alexander arrived at the Mikhailovsky Palace. Sebastian, who was walking beside him, tapped his arm gently to get his attention.

"Your Majesty, I believe this is where we part. I'm going to watch your meeting with the Emperor of the Choson Empire from the audience hall. I will get back to you once you are done."

Alexander nodded and turned back towards the door. He entered the large chamber filled with journalists and audiences of different backgrounds. The crowd went silent as he walked over to his seat with the flag of the Ruthenia Empire.

Flashes from the cameras caused him to squint lightly but it was bearable. He waved his hand to the people and to the camera that is broadcasting this meeting live.

After doing so, Alexander's gaze flickered to the seat that sat one meter across him. A white flag with a red and blue circle in the middle and a trigram symbol around the circle. It was the flag of the Choson Empire. It was similar to the flag of the Korean Empire in his original world. Feel as though there's not much of a difference between his world and the original world aside from history, people, and hair color. Which he must admit, is kind of weird.

,m Seconds later, the cameras and the attention of the crowd inside the great chamber shifted to a person who just entered the hall. A tall man with a long beard appeared wearing a Black Dallyeong. His hands were clasped tightly behind his back and his eyes were locked directly into Alexander's as he strides across the platform.

A small smile formed on Alexander's lips. So this is the Emperor of the Choson Empire huh? King Gojong. Alexander stood to greet him.


"Emperor Gojong," Alexander spoke firmly in the Chosonese language. The man had halted and stared at him in return.

"Emperor Romanoff." the Emperor greeted back as he stopped about a foot away from Alex and held out his right arm which was covered in thick sleeves. "You speak Chosonese?"

"Yes I do," Alexander glanced at his hand before taking it. And when he did, Gojong spoke.

"I want to thank your country's generosity for the support you have given to my country."

"The honor is mine, King Gojong. May I formally welcome you here in the capital of the Ruthenia Empire, St. Petersburg. I hope you enjoyed your stay in Vladivostok and here during the war.""It has been pleasant, Emperor Romanoff,"

Exchanging smiles and chuckles, Alexander removed his hand from his grasp and offered him a seat.


Then they faced each other, the cameras focused on the two. Since this is a live broadcast, everyone in the Ruthenian Empire, no matter the time zones, was able to watch this historic moment where they can now watch a meeting of the emperor on television. In the past, they didn't know what was coming down inside a formal meeting between two heads of state, they'd just be informed in a newspaper or on the radio. But now, it's different.

A translator was present on the stage. Alexander doesn't need one as he knows how to speak Korean in his original world. He is a polyglot, meaning he can speak a lot of different languages. But still, a translator is needed for the Ruthenian audiences to understand what they are speaking.

"Your Majesty, when I first came to this country, I was stunned. The difference between my country and yours is heaven and earth," King Gojong began by praising the country of Ruthenia.

"I'm honored that you liked it. Under my administration and the hard work of my people, we were able to transform this big country into an advanced, civilized, and modernized country. I believe the same thing can happen to your country with enough determination and will."

"It has been my wish since my country was opened to the world. I realize that our technology is primitive compared to the west. Our neighbors, the Yamato Empire, have successfully modernized and industrialized their country in three decades, whereas it just started fifteen years ago."

"Adaptation to the new world is sure to be challenging, I have faced similar issues when I ascended to the throne. But now that we are here, I'm sure that one of the main agendas today is to help your country be as great as our country. First and foremost, we must sign a mutual defense treaty. To prevent your country from being invaded again a trustworthy ally is required. And we are more than welcome to become your first ally after getting back your independence status."

Upon saying that, a long table was lifted by several men to the center of the platform. Ruthenian Empire representatives handed Alexander and Gojong a document about the mutual defense treaty.

Both heads of state read the treaty. The treaty read as follows:

Article I

"The Parties undertake to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered."

Article II

"The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of either of them, the political independence or security of either of the Parties is threatened by external armed attack. Separately and jointly, by self-help and mutual aid, the Parties will maintain and develop appropriate means to deter armed attack and will take suitable measures in consultation and agreement to implement this Treaty and to further its purposes."


"Each Party recognizes that an armed attack in the Far East Region on either of the Parties in territories now under their respective administrative control, or hereafter recognized by one of the Parties as lawfully brought under the administrative control of the other, would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional processes."


"The Choson Empire grants, and the Ruthenian Empire accepts, the right to dispose of Ruthenian land, air, and sea forces in and about the territory of the Choson Empire as determined by mutual agreement."


"This Treaty shall be ratified by the Ruthenian Empire and the Choson Empire in accordance with their respective constitutional processes and will come into force when instruments of ratification thereof have been exchanged by them at St. Petersburg."


"This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely. Either Party may terminate it one year after notice has been

given to the other Party."

The treaties were both written in the Ruthenian and Chosonese texts. King Gojong was already informed about the treaty by his new ministers and was told that it would be beneficial for his country to sign it.

Another document was handed to the head of state, this time it would be about the Free Trade Agreement. It's a long list of texts that both heads of state wouldn't bother reading to the end. Fortunately, the agreement has been vetted by their own legal counsels, and under this treaty, it would be beneficial for both countries to sign the treaty...well for Ruthenians that is.

King Gogong nodded his head in agreement with the treaty.

"For the rebirth of the Choson Empire, I will sign these treaties."

A smile crept on Alexander's face. "A wise choice, King Gojong."

And with their pens, Alexander and Gojong wrote their signatures on the documents that were handed to them. After doing that, King Gojong and Alexander rose to their feet and met in the center, and shook hands.

A resounding round of applause erupted in the hall in celebration. The Ruthenia Empire has acquired a tool in the Far East.
