Taking care of you- Part 1


Theodore reached the front place of his room, pushing the door open, and once he stepped inside the room, he shut it close. The castle that had been quiet for some time had suddenly turned busy with the servants who started to diligently clean the stains of blood from the floors and the walls of the castle while trying to put the bodies on one side so that they could be buried afterwards.

And even in the middle of the murmur and chattering sound in the castle, it sounded distant to Theodore. His hands were clean compared to the rest of his body as he had used them to clean Lucy. Raising his hands, he started unbuttoning the buttons of his shirt one after another, discarding the clothes from his body before he got into his bath.

Being the King's advisor, Theodore had received his own perks of facilities where he didn't have a small bathtub but rather a larger one that was built attached to the room to form a pool of water.

Getting inside the water, he splashed the water on to his face to wipe out the bloodstains, but some of them were tough and didn't come off that easily. As he continued to pour the water on him, he didn't forget the state in which he had found Lucy on the ground. Lucy was safe right now, but the memory had been engraved into his mind, and he doubted he would be letting it go anytime soon. Drops of water slid down his body, the water carrying his and the other demon's blood, whom he had killed a few hours ago.

Away from his room, Lady Monique, who sat next to Lucy, heard a soft knock on the door and a maid entered the room.


"Milady, the physician is here," informed the maid with a bow.

Lady Monique slightly frowned, and she asked, "Who called the physician this soon?" and she saw the man enter the room.

"It was Advisor Theodore, milady. I received the request two hours ago to bring in other physicians along with me to the castle so that the injured could be aided right away," replied the physician.

Monique wondered when Theodore had the time to stop in the middle of the fight to send a servant to fetch the physicians. She understood why Calhoun trusted the man and had turned him as his advisor because Theodore merited it.

"Would you like me to examine you in this room or would you prefer another room, milady?" inquired the physician.

"Here will be fine, if you don't make any sound," replied Monique, her gaze shifting to look at Lucy, who was still unconscious. The physician nodded his head and walked towards the table, and he placed his first aid kit and opened it. Monique left Lucy's side and went to take a seat next to the table.


"I have brought the medicine with me that you will need to take," and he placed a folded paper inside which the medicines were present.

Once he finished taking care of the older vampiress' wounds, the physician looked at the former princess and asked, "Would you want me to check her wounds?"

Monique shook her head, "No. That won't be needed, she had already been taken care of," she replied and said, "Thank you for coming in such a short time. I am sure the Hawthrone family will be grateful for your work."

"We are fortunate to have been summoned by the King's orders, milady," the physician then stopped for a moment and asked, "If I may ask, milady, what happened in here?" When the man had entered the castle with the other physicians, he had not expected to see a sea of bodies lying around the floor.

"That is something hard to explain. We just happened to be under attack a while ago," replied Monique and saw the physician leave with the maid. Another maid appeared in the room and asked, "Lady Monique, your room has been prepared for you to have rest. Would you like to eat or get some sleep?"

Monique was going to refuse when she saw Theodore making his way into the room. He looked in a much presentable state than earlier when he had been covered in blood. There were visible bruises on his face, but his expression hadn't changed, and the glasses that had gone missing a few hours ago on his face were back to their original position.

"You should go and get some rest, Lady Monique. The King wouldn't want to return back to see you in pain and would prefer you to be resting," said Theodore, who had composed his emotions and feelings after his bath.

"It is hard to rest until Calhoun and the lady are back. Not to mention, Lucy isn't awake," stated Monique with a grim expression on her face. Having been involved in the work where she was required to fight people at the borders in the past, she was barely fazed by losing part of her hand.

Last night, she knew something was up, and the things she had come across was something she had not imagined. There were creatures out there who were neither vampires nor werewolves and completely different from humans. Her red eyes now carefully looked at Theodore.

"Lady Lucy has fallen unconscious but according to one of the former High House members, she will be fine. She is currently recovering from her injuries," answered Theodore, letting the woman know there was nothing to worry about.

"Let me know if you hear anything from anyone. I would prefer to be informed if something is going on," said Lady Monique and Theodore bowed his head in agreement.

"Yes, milady."

Monique looked at Lucy and started to walk away from the bed. But before she could leave the room by stepping out, her footsteps halted, and she turned back to look at Theodore.

"Is something the matter, Lady Monique?" asked Theodore, and the woman shook her head and left the room.
