Chapter 765 Not All Retreats Are Shameful    ( In one tent with the boys )

  Karna frowned looking at Rudra's suggestion, as although personal experience had taught him that Rudra's war accumen was not to be doubted, his general common sense was screaming to him that this was a dumb plan.

  Putting forward his reservations with respect , Karna said " Umm guildmaster, how are the 15 of us going to topple the entire wall again? ".

  Rudra smiled evilly , the plan he had put forward was indeed extremely senseless, however in the entire room only Karna had the balls to cross question him.

  Wrapping his hands around Karna's shoulder , Rudra pointed at the map of the eastern region as he placed Karna in a headlock and said " My friend , not all retreats are disgraceful and not all reinforcements add to the strength of your group . By Letting in snakes in your camp , you are just adding to the volatility of your defenses ".

  Karna could not follow Rudra 's riddles as he tapped out to Rudra 's ridiculous strength and gasped for air after being freed from the headlock.

  Rudra said " Vice Guildmaster Karna , inform the other commanders to be ready to roll out in 3 days time to storm the city. Meanwhile tell the tier 4 gang to be ready for combat in 1 hours time".


  Karna " *pants*Sir yes Sir ".


  ( In one hour's time )

  Rudra looked at the Alshaikh-1 Fighter tanks and the wind was completely sucked out of his lungs looking at those bad boys.

  Fatty Kalash had worked extremely hard on this project to create the single most revolutionary piece of equipment in war by making armoured tanks with an internal combustion engine that could cross any open terrain and withstand enemy bombardment without having to worry about there being appropriate cover from enemy attacks.

  Named the ' Alshaikh-1 ' tanks , they were built from mythril iron steel tempered with blue crystal powder in a special solar powered forge that got temperatures for forging as high as 1500°C .


  An impeccable body-frame that could even withstand Rudra's normal sword slashes without a single scratch on its surface and with a body weight of 150 tonnes and an engine powerful enough to push back 4 tier 4 generals blocking it's path at once in a contest of strength, the Alshaikh-1 tank was a beast of nature.

  Making the body of the tank was not the difficult part , the challenge in construction was the engine. There was no petroleum or similar flammable products in Omega for making an internal combustion engine , as the only alternative for fuel was stuff like oils and wood that did not provide nearly enough energy to sustain such a heavy vehicle.

  This problem however was solved by the fuel for the hand-held pulse cannon the ' ether '. The ether was a chemical that had 16 times the power of petroleum in a single drop and was the perfect substitute for making an internal combustion engine and with the elites being the only guild in Omega with access to ' ether ' manufacturing manuals from ancient times , fatty was the only engineer in the world to have made a working internal combustion vehicle in Omega.  Each tank costed a little over 25 billion dollars and the elites had 15 such beasts in their active arsenal at the moment , who were not only packed with innate defensive capabilities but specially engraved with defensive runes and high quality weapons.

  The main offensive weapon of each tank was undoubtedly the modified version of the handheld pulse cannon in its tank snout, it fired one round every 20 seconds and wascapable of delivering tier 4 strength concentrated blasts on enemies and was specially designed to deal maximum damage to surfaces such as rocks and walls.

  It was the perfect wall breaking machine,however that was not all. Alongside the main weapon , each Alshaikh-1 tank was loaded with two dragonhead flamethrowers on each side of its frame and a mechanism shot deadly spikes from its rear end.

  When looked as a whole , it was the most complete war machine ever built and today it was time to take 5 of these beasts to scale the enemy walls.

  Rudra's plan was to initially use the tanks to punch a hole through the city wall and then fight a difficult fight with the tanks cover inside the city , hoping for the other forces to show up and change the tides later.

  However he scrapped that plan when he saw the panic inside the human forces of the ' city of whispers' who could not fathom their mortality danger inside hell.

  From their rants on the forums ,Rudra instantly understood that if he could frighten these men enough he could make them turn on their own camp in return for an assurance to life.

  To achieve this objective Rudra needed to show them that the wall that they were feeling protected with was not as good of an defensive structure as they beleived it to be and that he could crumple that b**** up in no time.

  In theory he could not destroy the whole wall when hundereds of tier 4 generals manned the walls and two tier 5 commanders were present in the city , however his goal was not to crumple the entire wall in the first place , but only to punch one small hole in it.

  Rudra looked at fatty and saluted the man for this commendable piece of engineering . The lifestyle division under Fatty Kalash was undoubtedlythe backbone of the elites , as time and time again it was proving to be the golden goose for Rudra in testing times.

  Waiting patiently as fatty finished fuelling the tanks up and instructing the specially trained drivers about the day's mission , Rudra noticed the drooling faces of the elite elders as they too marvelled at this amazing work of art.

  " All - ready guildmaster". Fatty Kalash reported, as the selected tier 4 elites started to sit inside the tanks in groups of three for each tank.

  Within 5 minutes , the elites were ready for action!


  ( The human tier 4 generals on patrol on the walls of the city of whispers )

  " The others panick too much , look at how thick these walls are , 15 men can stand here without having to worry about enough space ". A tier 4 dark faction player said to his comrade as the two patrolled

  " Yeah man , the others are just weak , the light faction humans can never topple such a high wall , i mean look at the defense we have like , 100 tier 4 generals are just patrolling this wall , like , how can you scale it ? "

  " Yeah man , we won't die , we will kill lots of light faction players under this wall and level up tonnes! We are going to go straight for the top".  " Yes yes , WHAT THE HELL , WHAT IS THAT? ".

  The man pointed into distance as they saw 5 trails of smoke being formed , as something seemed to be approaching the wall.

  Alarms were blared as enemy movement was detected , however due to the long distance nobody could quite clearly see what was approaching them yet and it was only when the elites came within a 1 killometers range that the enemy saw the tanks.

  " I-Is that a tank ? "

  " Oye oye , why does it look like a tank? "

  " The elites have tanks now? "

  The human generals could not believe their eyes as to what they were seeing , a modern human vehicle of war was being seen in action inside Omega and it looked extremely formidable.

  However the part that was more ridiculous than seeing a tank was as to how Rudra was positioned on it.

  " WHAT THE HELL , IS THAT SHAKUNI LAYING DOWN ON ONE OF THE TANK SIPPING LEMONADE? "One of the dark faction players lost his mind when he saw Rudra wearing sunglasses and laying flat down on one of the tanks as he sipped lemonade from a glass and chilled as if he was on a beach.

  The overconfidence that Rudra exuded made the enemy speechless as they could not even begin to understand their own feelings regarding this situation.

  Was the enemy looking down on them?


  Should they feel angry ?


  But then why did it look so cool and domineering that they felt like worshipping Shakuni?

  They had no idea ...

  " All forces , get ready for combat! NOW! MOVE YOUR ASSES". A tier 4 demon that was nearing the peak of the tier shouted on top of his lungs as he got everyone to get in fighting positions.

  The human generals too shook off their goosebumps from seeing Rudra chill over a tank as he approached millions of enemies , as they prepared to engage in combat.

  However the leader of the elites was already prepared for everything they were going to throw at him as he was not a showboater that did things without confidence or good reason. Since he dared to show-off here , it was ofcourse with a good plan to back it up.

  /// No targets were met unfortunately, so only one chapter for the day.

  We are not top 15 in GT rankings this week , help us push there by Sunday ends and we will have a bonus on Monday! ///
