Chapter 741 Coming out    ( One day before the banquet )

  Rudra monitored the forums extremely carefully and every since he came out to become the only tier 5 player in Omega the buzz surrounding his interview with the streamer dewdiepie had became unreal.

  Especially the bit where he talked about the church of death and the importance of war in levelling up there seemed to be a widespread wave of people trying to use his methods to climb the levelling ladder.

  Rudra planted the seeds months ago and the ripple he caused this time had created the giant wave he was waiting for , the time was ripe for him to make another big speech.

  Since the elders who had went out to invite the kings were back and the banquet was still the next day , Rudra had time for the big speech he was going to make.

  Since the guild hall was no longer large enough to house the entire guild , the location was decided to be the inner district near the church as the open space could house many more guild members than the confined guild hall , as Rudra stood at the steps of the church of death addressing the entire guild and the billions watching worldwide.

  Rudra had hyped up this speech for last 3 days as he asked dewdiepie to stream and promote it and it was not a lie to say that the entire world had their eyes on this speech as Rudra labelled it to be a ' Grand Opportunity '.


  As he stood at the steps of the church of death his aura alone caused the crowd infront to stand in rapt attention and pindrop silence.

  Not even a sound of a distant bird flapping it's wings could be heard in the inner district as Rudra stood looking over the crowd as if he was an overlord and a divine god.

  He had long had an intimidating aura that commanded respect from anyone who gazed upon him , however if he was a regal emperor in the past he now looked like an omnipotent overlord.  Even his own guildmembers who stood shoulder to shoulder with him in wars shuddered by his very gaze as although they knew that there was no threat laced behind that gaze , it was still intimidating enough for them to swear like pigs.

  Nobody dared to make a sound , neither did they dare to look him in the eye.

  When he finally started to speak , his voice boomed across the entire inner district as if amplified by the highest quality loudspeaker.

  Rudra said " Earthen residents , today i stand before you with an opportunity of a lifetime.


  On 15 June , 21 days from today, i will March into hell with none other than the God of death , the one true ruler of the underworld, primordial god Hades himself !

  The objective: Take back the control of the underworld from Lucifer and slay the evil fallen angel for once and for all!

  Lord Hades had amassed a massive army of his own and does not need one single human from middle earth to help him in his fight , however I will still personally march into the demonic territory not only because I'm the pope of his religion and worship him as my god , but also because this is a realm level war at a scale that will make the world wars of history look like child fights.

  There will be exp to farm and battle senses to sharpen like never before and i need that for myself!

  I have decided that it's the best course of action with unbelievable rewards to be gained hence i will command my guild to go in with me , however naturally everyone has a choice of wether they want to follow me or not.

  Usually i would have reserved such a brilliant opportunity for my guild members and myself alone , but looking at the crisis that humanity is facing , i decided to open it to everyone.

  For the church of death members , this war is an even more fruitful event than you can ever imagine as every kill you make , in addition to giving you exp will give you merit points that are redeemable for rewards upto the legendary grade !action  Usually hell is a place where death is permanent and hence its not a place where one can act unruly and participate in wars as they please . However OUR backer is the god of death himself!

  In every church of death starting tommorow we will give out special blood potions that YOU all had sacrificed to God Hades since day one , that once consumed will give u 1 extra life once you die in hell.

  This means that even if you are killed in hell , you will be able to respawn in your chosen church of death one time!

  Naturally you will not be allowed to re-enter hell once you respawn for next 6 months but i personally as the pope will forbid everyone to use their second life in hell.

  Because if you do die a second time then the entire journey you would have made in Omega would be for naught and that's not something I'm ready to let anyone including myself to risk.

  I can promise you blood pumping fights and a journey of constant thrill and action. For the bold who wish to improve by leaps and bounds in the coming year . Follow me to slay the demon Lucifer and become exponentially stronger in the process!

  So who is with me? ".

  Rudra's speech this time around was without any promises , without any lie or deciet however the dignity with which he delivered it cut right through ones heart as they felt their blood boiling to join!

  Who did not want a life of adventure?

  Who did not want to improve by leaps and bounds?

  Who wanted to miss out on the biggest war in the history of mankind when there was a second life available?


  Although Rudra had used no lies , the pyschological game he played was very real as the choice of words he used made everyone want to sign up in an instant.

  The countdown had finally started to tick down , Rudra had revealed his next hand.

  ///Bonus chapter for the super gift by Thomas Sanders please thank him in the comments for this one ///
