Chapter 733 A month without Rudra    Rudra did not show up in both game and reality for a whopping total of 30 days and the only one who knew his exact presence was Ruby.

  Ofcourse, concerned after day 2 she checked on Rudra a lot of times but found him to be in a state where although he was alive physically, he was not responding to any external noise.

  Naomi naturally panicked a lot under these circumstances as Rudra had not showed up to check on her as per his routine for several days now.

  Naturally on day 4 the information about him being in a coma was found out by , Naomi , Karna and the other senior officials of the guild , however at the moment it was decided to be kept a close guarded secret.

  The presence of Rudra Rajput itself was the biggest deterrent to all the enemies of the Elites, as there was not one faction leader in the game who did not fear a conflict with the King Of The True Elites Kingdom.

  Rudra was fundamental to a lot of movements both in and out of game and his consistent absence finally started to raise some flags after day 30.

  The first to notice were the senior guild members who asked the elders about the whereabouts of the guildmaster for several days in a row now , however the excuse of ' Gone on a special mission ' was starting to wear thin now.


  The church of death had not issued a new quest from the highest level for 30 days now and the bishops and the beleivers were starting to worry about it.

  Although Karna was trying his best to shoulder the mountain of a weight that Rudra carried on his back for years now , he quickly realised that it was a much harder task than it seemed.

  Even without the church duties , Karna found himself deeply involved in a lot of important meetings and decision making processes which consumed all of his time .

  He was not able to train , he was not able to level up , it was simply an office job for him 24/7 as he could not understand how Rudra balanced it all.

  When a infrastructure proposal came to him for approval , he needed to understand the cost , the benefits of the projects as well as the impact it would cause on the environment and local factions.

  All of these took time and proper thinking as many of these constructions were of startegic importance for border safety.


  Before his coma , Rudra had kept his insistence strong on keeping the elite territory developed and upto the best standards of defense.

  He did not wish to run a country with a mindset that it was all pointless and going to end in a year anyways.

  He understood that since Omega was a tutorial, then to get the best evaluation at the end of the tutorial one needed to do the best job beforehand!  The idiots who had slumped and became lawless after the news of the world's end were all going to be on the wrong end of the evaluation.

  Rudra had advocated this principle strongly amongst his church of death followers as well and hence Karna worked in-line with that thought.

  While Rudra could pass the projects only after glancing through papers for 10-20 minutes , it took Karna anywhere between 2-4 days to stamp them or reject them.

  No matter how hard things got for him though , karna never lost his smile as he kept the atmosphere in the guild upbeat, although he was the one who felt Rudra's absence more than anyone.

  He loved being second in command so much that now he felt like his life was missing a guiding star if Rudra became missing from action .

  It was either because Rudra was such a dynamic leader to follow , or because his own base nature was one that liked following more than leading , nonetheless he was an excellent second in command.

  But Karna 's limitation hit when finally a video surfaced online that became viral labelled ' The death of Rudra Rajput , a.k.a ' Shakuni' of the elites '.

  It was a viral video with 2.4 billion views in 3 days as it discussed the recent events of how the church of death recieved no new quests and how Rudra had not been spotted in Purplehaze city for days now.

  As for the exact reason of death it was not mentioned , but it was speculated to be anything fromassassination to heart attack.

  However the headlines remained that Rudra was somehow dead....

  When the guildmembers saw the video the pressure on the upper management increased tenfold to give a reply , and Karna had to call an emergency meeting when things were about to boil over.

  The management was supposed to give a reply in the next 12 hours or so , or risk complete psyche meltdown within the guild.

  Just the thought of Rudra being dead created a disastrous environment in the guild although it was just a rumor.

  Rudra was a godly figure amongst the guildmembers and one of the most polarizing figure in the history of the game. He had a loyal following of hundereds millions if not billions of players , and his death was not something they were ready to accept.

  This was the most profound amongst the young guild members who derived their spine to face the scary world knowing that if the sky was somehow to fall down then the guildmaster would hold it up for them.

  They were the ones impacted the most by this news as they desperately prayed in their hearts for the news to be fake.

  As karna looked at his fellow elders within the conference room he suggested using CGI to fake Rudra's appearance to calm the panic down , however when he saw Neatwit having a meltdown infront of his own eyes , karna understood that if an elder like Neatwit could not handle the absence of Rudra for more than 30 days than the average guild member would probably freak out as well.  A cgi was not going to cut it , they needed something more concrete and something more absolute to calm the matter down and buy more time for Rudra to hopefully wake up.

  As Karna had no doubt in his mind , that when the guild became rattled by the news of Rudra's Coma , the vultures would undoubtedly swoop in to pick the frenzied guild apart.


  ( Meanwhile Cuber Corp)

  Rudra's body was undergoing rapid strengthening due to an unknown reason that the cuber corp was not cleared to understand.

  They tried asking Gaia time and time again as to what exactly was Rudra 's body undergoing to release mana pulses so strong that the special equipment that they provided Rudra with , which was meant to withstand the strength of a much higher level cultivator was showing warning signs of high level mana detection.

  Gaia knew exactly what Rudra's body was undergoing however the queen had not cleared her to share this information with humans. The phenomenon Rudra was undergoing currently was something that only an ' Enhanced Human ' aka a cultivator could undergo , and that too a select few talented ones across the universe.

  Naturally with great rewards came great risks , as if Rudra did not break out of the state of enlightenment he was in before his physical body ran out of energy , then he would enter a coma state forever or possibly die.

  Currently the probability of his survival was already down to 73% at month one. Which was to go down to a whopping low of 12% should he get to month 2 .

  Everyday now was critical to his life and nobody but he himself could breakthrough to come out the other side an enlightened warrior. However he was against the clock now!action

  " Damnit! , Gaia we are still the operators of Earth! This is one of our chief prospects you have to tell us more about his situation!

  What has happened to Rudra Rajput? " The cuber corp chief banged his feeble fists against the table as he threw a fit of rage towards the AI.

  However Gaia refused to budge as she kept repeating the same words over and over again " Access level insufficient, information denied "

  " Information denied .... "

  " Information denied....."

  No matter how the chief phrases the question Gaia would not reply to him at all.

  In the end the chief made a plea of information to the queen , however 5 minutes later the response from the universal Queen dissapointed the cuber chief.

  The response said " Human - Rudra Rajput A.K.A Shakuni, from human planet #H2047 has been added to the classified universal database , access clearance level 6 required to see information.

  Current access level is 4 , information denied ".

  The chief felt like he was going to have a heart attack after seeing the response , the security clearance required to see the entire information of planet earth including the natural resources and technology was level 4. Yet Rudra was classified into level6 security!

  Just what was he undergoing?
