Chapter 713 Trouble    Rudra was just having a normal day at Purplehaze city , looking after the church of death as its pope and righteously performing his duties when the sky above the city suddenly started to darken and he started to feel a suffocating pressure.

  15 winged demons descended from a black vortex in the sky followed by a particularly strong one that seemed to have strength beyond tier 5.

  Rudra instantly activated god's eyes and looked towards the site of trouble as the one and only thought that he had in his mind at this moment was ' Shit '.

  Not only was the demon level 670 meaning it was in the middle sector of the tier 5 realm , but the 15 winged demons around him were all high tier 4 themselves.

  The city simply did not have enough defenses in place to stop an invasion of this scale , especially not when it came out of nowhere with Rudra being unprepared.

  The only tier 4's in the city right now were himself , Neatwit, Karna and Medivh and the four of them were not strong enough to take on the 16 of them . Especially with the tier 5 powerhouse being with them.

  The bigger question was who could be strong enough to open a portal ontop of a city ? But he did not need to think long about that who , as he knew seeing the enemies to be demons that it must be Lucifer.


  He had not provoked the devil recently, and did not expect such a calamity to appear out of nowhere however now was not the time to wonder how or why , as now was the time to respond to the threat at once.

  Little did Rudra know that even for Lucifer, opening such a portal for even a few seconds to let the 16 of them pass was a herculean task. The laws of space could not be manipulated over such large distances so easily, even for a god like himself.  It was only because of the merit that dronacharya had built up, that Lucifer was compelled to bestow an appropriate reward, otherwise even for a personal grudge he would not send out one of his top commanders to take down a mere mortal.


  ( Civilians POV)

  Life was as usual on the streets of Purplehaze city , when out of nowhere the sky started to darken and a huge wormhole opened up in the sky from where a bunch of demons descended.

  Initially everyone was curious as to what was going on , as they stopped their work and started to look towards the sky , however when the demons started unleashing their strong tier 4 attacks on the surface , chaos ensued.


  All sorts of attacks were being used by the winged demons to wreak havoc on the city , as many buildings were lost with every strike and countless civilians were killed or injured.

  For the first 30 seconds , it was pure horror as the elites were still gathering their wits as to what was going on , but after that the city sirens started to blare and everyone was made aware that the city was under attack and that everyone must seek shelter at once.

  The elite police started to shoot at the demons in the skies with the handheld pulse cannons , and shockingly while at first the demons tried to swat the things off , after realising the power behind the weapons attacks they were forced to start dodging.

  This applied for everyone except Mahrez ofcourse around whom the attacks seemed to bend out of shape and miss him altogether as their trajectory was casually altered .action

  He did not even need to swat it off personally as he descended towards the city like a proud boss.  As he descended he exclaimed loudly " SHAKUNI! , MY LORD LUCIFER SENDS HIS REGARDS , COME OUT AND TAKE YOUR PUNISHMENT LIKE A MAN , AND DUEL ME , LET ME FINISH YOU OFF QUICK AND THEN YOUR CITY BEFORE I RETURN TO HELL ".

  His domineering words resounded throughout the city , as he tried to repeatedly scan the city for Rudra , however failed. After achieving the gods eyes even Lucifer could not forcefully see all of his stats much less someone like Mahrez for whom detecting Rudra was an issue.

  However Mahrez knew that as long as he destroyed the city , Rudra was bound to show up to protect his assets sooner or later.

  Hence with a cheeky smile on his face he summoned three giant tornadoes spinning out of his palms as he planned to unleash them onto the city to cause significant destruction.

  As the tornadoes grew larger in his palm , the air above the city became more and more turbulent as strong winds were felt even at the surface. Those who did not manage to get to cover yet and were under tier 2 now struggled to move , while the police was no longer to properly aim their shots at all.

  It seemed like everything was going south for the city , as even the most daring of videographers that were covering the event live now felt like they needed to take cover and shoot from a safe place as they feared for their lives under the circumstances.

  Within seconds, ' Demon attack at Purplehaze ' became the hot topic on the forums as more and more people from other cities hopped onto the forums to see the event live.

  However before Mahrez could unleash his three tornadoes onto the city , the tallest structure in the city , the mage tower shot a thick inferno beam straight towards him , as he was forced to cancel his skill and block for protection.

  Mahrez was a little surprised by this phenomenon as he did not know that such potent technologies existed in a backward place like middle earth.

  However he was not much bothered by it at all.

  But for the elites on the streets it was a matter of great rejoicement as they cheered for the arrival of their guilds top mage to the scene.

  Medivh was finally ready to retaliate in his mage tower!

  /// Excellent job guys in hitting the GT target, we have officially crossed 600 tickets and i will definitely hold the bargain to my end and release another chapter today itself!

  Let's keep crunching it ya'all! ///
