Chapter 615 This is not a fantasy story  

For a while , everything looked good for the elites , the Western front had managed to hang on , the wall was basically still intact and there were only about 3 hours of fighting left in day 2.

The elites had outdone themselves by hanging on for so long and the blood merchants were frustrated now at the circumstances and how they were failing to achieve something tangible.

If this was a fantasy story , this would be the part that things started to turn better for the elites and they would overcome all odds to claim victory , but sadly Omega was no fantasy story.

There were no unexpected upsets or comebacks in such a grand war , and victory and defeat was decided through absolute power alone.

Unfortunately , in terms of pure power

The Elites lacked A LOT.


The stakes were too high for the merchants in this war and they had invested far too much into it to be walking out of the war without a victory.

The objective of day 2 was to breach the wall and with only 3 hours of sunlight left , one had to admit that the group got a little anxious . But that was it , the blood merchants were a little anxious but that was all there was to the situation.

They were frustrated because the job was not done but they were not worried about it not happening, as they knew that the elites would be squashed like a bug sooner or later.

This was especially true for scar-face who was directly responsible for the entire blood merchant organization , as he could analyse the Battlefield the best and take decisions as it's supreme commander.

He hence took the decision to seek the help from the shaman , and enter the Battlefield himself to ensure that the Western wall fell as intended.

After the Shaman restored some of his strength he opened a portal to summon 2 barbarian giants and officially entered the war as an ally of the blood merchants , who alongside scar-face and one other tier 4 general entered the warfront from the western side.


That was the brutal reality of the situation , while the elites were fighting with all they had got , the blood merchants were witholding their strength!

Not all their tier 4 generals were deployed out on the front lines and not all of their troops were deployed in active combat either.

While the elites had a definite numbers disadvantage , the merchants had practically an near endless chain of reinforcements. Hence for every fallen head , another took its place keeping the intensity of the attacks the same.

Naturally with new forces joining the Western front , the nature of the battle changed drastically as the difference between tier 4 troops and mortal soldiers was clearly highlighted.

Scar-face was a force to be reckoned with having a DPS higher than even Rudra , slaughtering his way through the Elite troops.

The giants were on a rampage as they rushed towards the Elite wall , with Rudra not present on the scene to protect the place and hundereds of thousands of competent merchant soldiers to ensure their smooth advancement , the giants could now display their real prowess on the battlefield.

Scar-face had learnt from his mistake the previous night and realized that the maximum potential of the giants could only be unlocked when used alongside competent troops and not with the useless horde .

His speculation was indeed correct as within a matter of minutes the giants had covered a 4 km distance to close in Extremely fast towards the western wall and with a considerable reserve of HP left as well.

Jhonny and SMG , who were trying hard to keep a tier 4 general at bay with their measely skills had also started to reach their limits , as while their opponents still had a large chunk of their HP intact the both of them were in dangerously orange areas.

When the two of them saw the massive giants rush towards the Elite wall , they prayed inside their hearts for a miracle , and wishes that somehow someone save them from this mess , but reality was not like fantasy and their prayers went unanswered.

Despite the best attempt by Medivh to produce to inferno beams to keep the two giant's at bay , the giants did manage to ram through a section of the western wall , created two huge breaches inside the western section.


The western wall ... Had fallen!

The sound of debris falling and humans screaming could be heard , as finally the blood merchants successfully opened up an entry point to storm Purplehaze city.

The troop morale instantly sky rocketed seeing their objective being achieved .

The emergency flares were shot towards the sky , as Rudra and the other elders on the other fronts saw the flares in the air they understood that one of the other fronts had been compromised and that phase one was a failure as of this moment.

action For Jhonny , this was akin to him failing his mission and his reputation being crushed , as saved by SMG 10 hours prior in the day he hoped that he would be able to hangon for the entire day , but it just was not meant to be.

With his tier 4 marker also slipping past him and now pushing to enter the city , Jhonny knew that the war at the western Battlefield was about to shift drastically.

The first line of defense behind the walls was the most densely packed and well defended area , however it was utterly useless when facing giants.

When planning the city defenses Rudra had not accounted for 200 feet tall giants and hence all the brilliant tricks he had for the enemy troops who would have entered Purplehaze city by foot became useless.

There were landmines and wizards and tanks making up the first defensive protection , but a single leap by the giants and they were well over them all , making them utterly useless.

The only structure packing a punch against the two giant's was the mage tower and Medivh. However even Medivh could only slow their tear inside the city and not completely stop it.

Swinging their clubs and opening a path , the two giant's destroyed and ran through the peaceful city of Purplehaze , starting numerous fires and blowing all of the elites defensive plans to Ash , leaving behind a clear path for the blood merchant troops to enter and storm the city without facing its defenses.

With there still being 20 minutes of daylight fighting left , the only prayer the elites had now was to end the day without suffering much more losses , and regroup before day 3.


[ War Recap Counter ]

Blood merchant deaths in this chapter : 1.2 million

Elites death in this chapter : 700,000

Total force strength left alive

Merchants : 22.3/ 30 million

Elites : 7.1/ 9.2 million


/// Special shoutout to Sivanthe for the 5000 coin magic castle , to JaceMental for the 1000 coin luxury car and to Magnum932 for the 500 coin massage chair!

As for every super gift there will be a bonus chapter and thanx to the GT target being achieved as well there will be one bonus chapter for that as well making it two bonus chapters for the day.

Good job everyone ! Enjoy! ///
