Chapter 526 The fall of Nineclouds kingdom (1)  

Chaos and lawlessness had gripped Whitecloud city as the 13 th day under martial law had seen the complete depletion of the strategic grain reserve.

The provisions were initially only enough for 7 days , if 2 time meals were provided , however the government already cut that in half to prolong the time duration to 13 days , however even then with no new food supplies coming in , the situation turned grim as the city ran out of food reserves.

A massive riot broke out at the granary as people waiting in lines for hours were told to go home without food as the reserve was down to 0 . Which led to thousands of commoners revolting , most of them men , as the military had to roll in to bring the situation under order.

The riots turned into a bloodbath as the military mercilessly cut down all those unfortunate to cross paths with them , as an animosity was built amongst the commoners against the status quo following this incident.

Stones and rotten eggs were thrown at the military personnel as they patrolled the city as morale for both civillians and military personnel reached a rock bottom.

In these desperate times , the king had to turn to the church for humanitarian aid. However unfortunately for him ,the church diverted the request to the nearest neighbour who could respond to the situation the quickest , inside Purplehaze city and Rudra being the benevolent man that he was obliged.


Thousands of killograms of food was shipped from Purplehaze city to Whitecloud city under a shared banner of the church and the Duke of the true Elites , with the grey wolf insigna plastered on every box , as the commoners who were already recieving unofficial aid from the same man , also started recieving official one , bolstering his image in the hearts of the common man .

Rudra's cunning saw him only distribute the food via the church of light's temples and not through the government channels , as he wanted to capitalise on human sentiment as much as possible.

There were citizens crying with joy as they saw three days worth of ration being handed out at once , as men with families to feed felt gratitude towards the arch-bishop of the church Shakuni who gave a helping hand in this time of need , as Rudra bought their undying loyalty forever through this tactic.

days later Rudra had completely captured public sentiment with his charitable works as soon news about how prosperous the rebel held villages were began to spread amongst the masses.

Unlimited food , unprecedented government aid and free seed and fertilizer drives were publicized , as the venom was planted in the commoners minds as to how pitifully they were living vs how grandly they could live if only a different ruler was in power.

Agitation amongst the masses was at an unprecedented point due to their days being spent confined in their houses and everyday meal being a struggle , however it still needed that one spark that would set everything ablaze , as that spark was provided when Rudra created a fake scandal inside Whitecloud city.


Sedating a few military officials on patrol , Rudra framed them from stealing grain from the Church , which was meant for feeding the commoners , and he published a false testimony that the grain was being stolen by the kings command to be resold in the black market for 1 gold for 100 grams of wheat.

All hell broke loose as reports of this incident were delivered directly by the priests who did the charity work on daily basis to the commoners , as the trust that the civillians had with the millitary completely tipped and all hell broke loose within Whitecloud city.

Commoners with millions in number took to the streets with handheld weapons like axes , pole rods and flame torches , as they torched every government building in sight , while engaging with any military official in sight.

The struggle at the palace wall intensified till the point where the barricades set up by the royal guards were no longer able to hold the human wave pushing it off , as the barrier fell and thousands swarmed the royal palace.

Initially the royal guards tried to stop the charge , however they were incredibly outnumbered and were being hit senseless by angry mobs who swung blunt weapons with no technique and brute force

The palace was left completely destroyed as precious art was set ablaze and expensive items were plundered.

Men pissed over the kings statue while women spit on his face as they called for cutting his head off.

The royal family had to be evacuated from an emergency exit as the king took his best troops to fight against the commoners.

There was no way that the commoners would ever be able to stand the might of tier 4 existances , as their one sided slaughter was a given outcome . However no matter how the king restored order , he had already lost the fight once he raised his sword to kill his own people. As he had became the enemy in his own kingdom , while the outsider had became the crowd favorite.

Information about how the rebel army was ready to storm the city if the gates fell was spread to the common masses , as thousands strived and fought with the men guarding the walls from inside in an attempt to open the city gates.

Thousands died , however in the end the rage amongst the commoners was greater than the grit amongst the military officials as the east and north gate were breached , as the Elite army lead by karna strolled into the city with the people welcoming them with open arms and there being no resistance from the city forces at all.

This was the limit of what Rudra could do with his mind sitting in Purplehaze city as from here on out it was Karna's show as he was to defeat the king and take control of the throne, while Rudra had a mission of his own.


( At the new capital city of Hazelgroove kingdom )

Rudra had realized it very early on , that even if he was able to take control of Nineclouds kingdom , there were many wolves eyeing his territory and he would be very ill prepared to successfully defend a territory of this massive size , without having the proper time to prepare for it.

However with the sixth system update already removing the cooldown time and the need to declare any invasion prior to invading , he knew that he had no time to safeguard his territory from the wolves.

This is why Rudra was in the capital to see Emperor Cervantez , as he was the only one with enough power to help Rudra keep hold of his gains in a foreign territory.

Rudra had his bullshit story ready , however he knew for a fact that he could fool anyone with his sophistry and manipulate the masses into beleiving whatever he wanted them to beleive , but the same could not be done for Cervantez.

That guy would see right through Rudra and see through the wrong means by which he had caused the death of thousands to fulfill his selfish goals.

Hence although he was preparing to meet Cervantez internally Rudra was scared , scared to be confronted for his wrongdoings , and scared to be called out for them.

It was as if he was to meet his conscience , who he had been supressing with his greed for a long time , as walking into the royal court of Hazelgroove kingdom he felt even the smiling face of emperor Cervantez to be a judgemental smile that saw through him.

Hanging his head down in shame , Rudra prepared to start his most heart moving bullshit performance , hoping to fool the man who had long moved away from the realm of mere mortals.

" Welcome , Shakuni Won Knight , Duke of Hazelgroove kingdom , leader of the True Elites guild and the sovereign monarch of the north , and i assume soon to be king of Nineclouds kingdom eh? , What can this HUMBLE emperor do for your highness? ". Cervantez said in a measuring tone , as Rudra's heart sat down in his chest. There was no longer any room for games , the emperor already knew all his little games and there was only an opportunity to come clean but nothing more.

Rudra had to quickly reanalyze his entire position as he was put on the defensive by the emperor , and had to walk a very thin line if he was to obtain the help he needed from Cervantez.

Clenching his nails into his flesh , Rudra calmed his nerves as he said " I have blood on my hands my leige i cannot deny that ..... "

/// New week new targets , as we lower the GT target from 500 tickets for a bonus to just 300 now ... Guys JUST 300 tickets for a bonus chapter ... Comeon , it's practically a steal now.

PS for one bonus will continue just as last week. If we play our cards correctly , we can manage upto 5 bonus chapters a week guys . That is basically every single day! Hopefully it comes to pass , let's get it! ///
